Te Reo Māori
Te reo Māori in classrooms programme begins with 150 teachers
About 700 teachers have signed up for a $12 million programme to increase te reo Māori in all classrooms, and 150 of them are already beginning beginning their reo haerenga.
Funding for te reo Māori lessons for teachers to 'normalise' use of language
The government has launched a new initiative, Te Ahu o te reo Māori, to get teachers speaking te reo Māori better and more often.
Taranaki councillor unrepentant over no-show for te reo apology
A controversial New Plymouth councillor who said he was "ashamed" to sing the national anthem in te reo Māori is refusing to make a face-to-face apology to his council colleagues.
The kaupapa behind the Te Kākano album
Makaira Berry and Hamiora Tuari speak about their new project Te Kākano which fuses soul, pop, R&B and most importantly te reo into an exciting new album. Audio
Some history on te reo Māori lessons
For te wiki o te reo Māori, Sarah Johnston takes us on a jaunt through the Ngā Taonga Sound and Vision archives to explore how people learnt te reo in the past. Audio
Law firm pledges to speak te reo Māori to clients
A Wellington law firm has set an ambitious goal to have all its staff members able to speak te reo Māori to its clients.
Ministers rebuked over te reo Māori stance
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is playing down differences between her ministers over whether to make te reo Māori compulsory in schools.
VIDEO PREMIERE: 'Yeah Nah' by The Slacks
The band that created 2016’s bi-lingual viral hit ‘Big Aroha’ – The Slacks, have a brand new single out. 'Yeah Nah' includes Māori and English lyrics, and comes with its own Kiwiana-packed video. Video
Hikoi first step in march to make Manurewa bilingual suburb
The fight to normalise te reo Māori will be taken to the streets of Manurewa this weekend with a bilingual hikoi.
Graduate urges lawyers to learn te reo
A Māori law graduate from Hamilton has started teaching te reo Māori lessons at a law firm in Invercargill in a push to see the language more commonly used by lawyers.
All children to have integrated te reo learning - Labour
The Labour Party has committed to ensuring that every child up to intermediate age has te reo Māori integrated into their learning by 2025.
Earliest te reo recording goes digital
A 1938 recording is being released online in a digital exhibition.
Te reo on police cars: 'We need to translate everything'
Emblazoning some police cars with te reo Māori is a good first step but needs to be extended, a Māori language advocate says.
Moana in Māori hits the big screen
The te reo Māori version of Disney's hit movie Moana will have its red whāriki premiere in Auckland tonight.
Te wiki o te reo Māori to kick off with parade
Māori language week starts today with a parade through the central streets of Wellington.
Te Taka Keegan on technology, teaching and te reo
Te Taka Keegan put the macron onto the Microsoft keyboard and helped develop the te reo version of Google Translate. The computer science lecturer talks about his love of te reo Māori, his teaching… Audio
Rotorua, city of two languages
Popular tourism destination Rotorua hopes to attract even more international interest by becoming officially bilingual.
Te Reo Māori: the Te Wero debate
Four Māori candidates from different political parties discuss the health of te reo Māori in Aotearoa New Zealand and set out what their parties will do for the language's well-being. Audio
Wānanga enrolments on the rise
The three Māori tertiary institutions all made surpluses last year and increased their enrolments, with one doing so by nearly 40 percent.
Auckland Theatre Company myth makers
The story of Maui is coming to schools across the country as part of the Auckland Theatre Company’s Mythmakers tour. The theatre piece, directed by Holly Chappell and musically directed by Rutene… Audio