Stories by Eru Rerekura
Māori-Aboriginal link a key in tourism award
A Māori tourism company based in Sydney which recently won an award, says its relationship with indigenous Australians was key to it being recognised.
Kāpiti coast iwi and council to co-manage water project
Te Ātiawa and the Kāpiti District Council have signed an agreement to work in partnership on water and its management in the rohe.
Govt funds new wharf for Chathams
A Moriori leader from the Chatham Islands is grateful the Government is providing millions of dollars in this year's budget to replace the island's dilapidated wharf.
Changes proposed for NZ place names
The Geographic Board is seeking public feedback on changing the names of geographic and undersea features around the country.
Hapu group will continue opposition
A Northland group which opposes an agreement between the Crown and Ngāpuhi says it will continue its stand until the bitter end.
Tautoko FM back on air
A Northland iwi radio station whose building was destroyed in a blaze has found a temporary home.
Terms of Negotiation signed with Ngāpuhi
The Crown and the country's largest iwi are just one step away from settling its Treaty of Waitangi claims.
Praise for Māori Party's budget gains
The Māori Party is praising the Government for making some progress in addressing the outstanding issue of poverty among Māori.
Inuit protest seal fur ban
Indigenous fur hunters from Greenland are on their way to Belgium to convince lawmakers to end a general ban on seal products.
Protests at Statoil meeting
Norway's biggest oil giant will be asked to 'ship out' of New Zealand's Te Reinga Basin at its annual general meeting tonight.
Iwi radio station up in smoke
More than a million dollars worth of broadcasting equipment and buildings have been destroyed in a blaze at a Northland iwi radio station.
Call for better rural broadband strategy
A Māori internet working group plans to urge the Government to be more strategic about rolling out fibre optic broadband to marae in rural areas.
Tribes confront Norwegian oil company
The leader of a Far North delegation opposing a Norwegian oil company's exploration plans hopes the country's own indigenous leaders can put pressure on the company.
Harry brushes up on his Te Reo
Whanganui iwi say they're proud of Prince Harry's attempt at making a speech in Te Reo during his pōwhiri today at Pūtiki marae.
Iwi tourism operation wins top prize
Ngāi Tahu Tourism has won the Auckland International Airport Award for Excellence in Tourism at the HSBC China Business Awards.
A Whanganui pōwhiri for Harry
The hapū of Ngāti Tūpoho in Whanganui will be welcoming Prince Harry with an official pōwhiri at Pūtiki marae this morning on his visit to the river city.
Te Matatini venue plans develop
The Hastings District Council is backing a Hawkes Bay iwi's choice of venue for the next Te Matatini national kapa haka festival in 2017. Audio
Pounamu guardians acknowledged
The leader of a Ngāi Tahu hapū is pleased the greenstone industry and public are finally starting to understand its role as kaitiaki of pounamu.
Tributes flow for Erima Henare
Tributes are flowing in after the death of the widely respected Ngāti Hine elder and former chairperson of the Māori Language Commission.
Henare's death 'end of era'
The people of Te Tai Tokerau and Māoridom are mourning the death of a leading advocate of Te Reo Māori. Audio
Five students awarded prestigious scholarships
Five young Māori tertiary students have been awarded Ngārimu VC scholarships to help them further their academic studies.
Uenuku prepares for land claim negotiations
A Whanganui tribe is galvanising its members to strengthen its negotiating position with the Crown.
Push to involve young Māori in local politics
A National MP of Ngāi Tahu descent is encouraging young Māori individuals to become involved with local community boards to advocate for tāngata whenua.
Tribes tackle Norwegian oil giant
A small Māori delegation from the Far North is fighting Norway's biggest oil company over its oil exploration programme in Te Reinga Basin.
Global Aboriginal rights protests
Thousands of Aboriginal rights campaigners demonstrated their opposition across Australia today over the Western Australian Government's plans to close down their rural communities.