Stories by Eru Rerekura
Hawaiian waka crew to visit South Island
The crew of two voyaging canoes from Hawaii will be officially welcomed with a pōwhiri on to Te Tii Marae near Waitangi tomorrow and will visit the South Island for the first time.
Moriori trust against seabed mining
A Moriori trust has told the Environment Protection Authority it opposes a bid to mine phosphate from the seabed, believing it could jeopardise 60 percent of NZ's commercial fishery.
Respect for values at work important: survey
A survey by student Raiha Hooker on how culturally responsive workplaces are to Maori employees shows that when employers respect a person's culture, they are unlikely to job hunt.
Kaumatua Eru Thompson dies
Iwi in Waikato and Tāmaki Makaurau are mourning the death of a senior Tainui kaumatua who played an important role providing cultural advice on tribal matters and the kīngitanga.
Haka and poi to help stroke survivors
Haka and poi are to be used to rehabilitate stroke survivors in Britain. Work is being done to discover how Māori culture and the haka can be used to support and empower stroke survivors. Audio
Reedy taught valuable lessons for life
Ngāti Porou teacher and mentor Amster Reedy is being remembered as a man who instilled a sense of pride and inspiration about being Māori in an urban environment.
Tributes for Amster Reedy
The people of Ngāti Porou are mourning the death of respected cultural adviser Amster Reedy, who shared his knowledge with everyone from school children to top athletes.
Settlement 'best arrangement for river'
The Treaty Settlement recently signed between the Crown and local Whanganui iwi is the perfect arrangement to manage the river, Whanganui Mayor Annette Main says.
Skype used to teach Maori symbols
A teacher in Australia is using Skype to help her students learn about Maori symbols such as koru and poutama motifs. Anne Rooney teaches at Wilderness School in South Australia.
Group keen to restrict legal high sales
A Whanganui Maori development organisation is aiming to get 500 submissions on restrict the sale of synthetic drugs in the city.
The river is calling me home
Te Manu Korihi reporter Eru Rerekura reflects on his experience reporting on his tribe's Treaty Settlement signing at Rānana Marae in Whanganui on Tuesday.
Whanganui iwi celebrate settlement
New Zealand's longest running legal case has been settled after 140 years of Whanganui iwi petitioning the Crown over their relationship to their ancestral river. Audio
Moriori want heritage status for reserve
A Moriori conservationist plans to seek world heritage status for a park on the Chatham Islands. The Hapupu Reserve is one of only two historic national parks in New Zealand.
Warning minority dialects could be lost
A national campaign to promote Maori language week is underway, but some Te Reo advocates fear tribal dialects could be lost due to a push to learn a standardised version of Maori.