The Secretariat of the Pacific Community says Tuvalu is leading the way in the Pacific by establishing a national plan on human rights.
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Tuvalu's Prime Minister Enele Sopoaga spearheaded the plan, which aims to enshrine human rights in the country's development priorities.
The Pacific Community's senior human rights advisor, Romulo Nayacalevu, said Tuvalu is the first country in the Pacific to launch such a document.
Mr Nayacalevu said human rights include not only civil and political rights but also access to water, education, and health care.
Sometimes we think of human rights as just abstracts on paper but the reality of human rights is everything that we are dealing with in life to have a better life - a life of dignity and humanity.
Tuvalu's plan is the result of consultation with government departments, NGOs and communities to identify its priorities.