Two sacked senior Tokelauan public servants say High Court cases should be heard in Tokelau, rather than in New Zealand.
Photo: kunilanskap/123RF
The duo, Heto Puka and Joe Suveinakama, were dumped after being blamed for the purchase of two helicopters, which were part of a planned interim air service for the atolls.
They contended the sackings were unjust and were suing the government in the High Court.
The court sits in New Zealand but Heto Puka said to ensure justice is served, Tokelau cases should be heard in the atolls.
"The purpose is almost defeated prior because the High Court is here in New Zealand and people just don't have resources to come over here and seek justice," he said.
"But for Joe and I, our issue is not so much the cost."
"It's the fact there needs to be justice in this matter, a resolution to bring closure for Joe and I and our families, and also the people of Tokelau back home."
Photo: 123RF