New Caledonia's employers federation has warned of imminent action in protest at the government's tax reform.
A consumption tax will come into force in two weeks, accompanied by price controls.
In an interview with the local RRB radio station, the federation's head Daniel Ochida said it had the means to paralyse the country without resorting to violence.
Mr Ochida accused the president Philippe Germain of acting like Father Christmas by giving away what the members of the federation generates.
Last week, the government approved price controls for some imported consumer goods in an effort to lower prices which are much higher than in France.
In doing so, it rejected the proposal submitted by the federation on how to implement the tax reform, which introduces a consumption tax while abolishing several other duties.
Last week, hundreds of employers joined a protest outside the seat of government in an unsuccessful effort to make the government change its mind.
Residential areas in Noumea, New Caledonia south of the city. 2008 Photo: MARC LE CHELARD / AFP