Environmentalists and villagers are concerned at the lack of urgency to clean up an oil spill in a World Heritage Area in Solomon Islands.
Oil leaking from the bulk carrier MV Solomon Trader that ran aground on Rennell Island in the Solomons. Photo: Australian High Commission in Solomon Islands - DFAT
The cargo ship, Solomon Trader, ran aground on a reef at Rennell in late January while loading bauxite.
It's estimated about 60 tonnes of oil has already leaked into the marine reserve, and 600 tonnes is still on board.
Chris Bone of OceansWatch Solomon Islands said the longer they take to clean it up the more damage it will cause.
"What amazes me is that oil booms have not been deployed yet or dispersants have not been deployed yet," Chris Bone said.
"It seems to me that the NDMO and a number of other government agencies are setting up an office there to keep an eye on everything and to assess the situation."
Chris Bone says it's unbelievable that it's taken three weeks for any serious reaction.
"Honiara is an international port that must have oil booms and why haven't they been deployed," he said.