Marine scientists at Massey University have confirmed a sea mammal that surprised villagers on one of Fiji's remote islands this week is a fur seal.
A mystery seal found on the rocks at Rukua Village in Beqa, Fiji. Photo: Supplied/Fiji Ministry of Fisheries
Mainly found around New Zealand and Southern Australia Arctocephalus forsteri is commonly called the New Zealand or South Australian fur seal but it is also referred to as the Antipodean or long-nosed fur seal.
Experts say these seals are known to go astray and end up in far-fetched locations.
Fiji's Ministry of Fisheries believes this is the first reported sighting of the sea mammal in Fiji.
It has advised villagers on Beqa Island, in the country's south, to refrain from harming the mammal.
In a statement, the Director of Fisheries Neomai Ravitu said the fur seal could have been swept in by ocean currents.
Ravitu said it was recommended that the Ministry have a 'hands-off' approach to seals.
"They are capable and resilient and given time and space, they usually find their way home," Ravitu said.
Seal experts generally advise people to keep 20 metres away from the mammals and also not to get between them and the sea.
The Beqa Lagoon Initiative, under the Pacific Blue Foundation, has also advised villagers on the island not to feed the seal because they could become reliant on humans for food.
Project manager Sefano Katz said seals are wild animals and will defend themselves if they feel threatened.
"Adult seals can move surprisingly quickly on land. While they can look harmless, seals can inflict serious injuries to dogs or people and can carry infectious diseases," Katz said in a statement.
NZ fur seal Photo: Darryl Torkler
About the fur seal
* Can "porpoise" out of the water when travelling quickly at sea
* Can dive deeper and longer than any other fur seal
* Females can dive for about 9 minutes and to a depth of about 312 metres, and can dive deeper and longer in autumn and winter
* Males can dive for about 15 minutes to a depth of about 380 metres
* On average, the species typically only dives for 1-2 minutes
* When they dive for food, they dive deeper during the day but shallower at night because during the day their prey typically migrates to deeper depths and migrates back up during the night
* Their diet includes cephalopods, fish and birds - octopus and arrow squid make up most of their cephalopod diet
* Individuals located near their southern range limit have been known to eat penguins as part of their diet
* Seals are very good swimmers and weaned pups will sometimes travel great distances
* On land, seals have been found in unusual places such as backyards, drains and streets
* Despite these odd appearances, seals are best left alone with no human intervention.