Taneti Maamau exits a Fiji Airways domestic flight from Onotoa Island to Tarawa on Monday. 28 October 2024 Photo: Supplied / Ruth Cross Kwansing
Kiribati's president-elect Taneti Maamau arrived back in the capital Tarawa from his home island of Onotoa on Monday morning, ahead of his party's planned victory celebrations tonight.
Maamau secured 55 percent of votes cast on Friday, while his rival Kaotitaake Kokoria polled 45 percent.
This will be Maamau's third term in office with the ruling Tobwaan Kiribati Party, whose 33 member majority in the 45 seat Maneaba ni Maungatabu (parliament) is expected to grow in the coming days now the presidency has been secured.
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The national election in August saw a high turnover, with 14 sitting MPs losing the seats, meaning Maamau has some work to do organising his Cabinet.
The first sitting of the new Kiribati parliament is scheduled for 2 December.
New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon was one of the first regional and international leaders to congratulate Maamau at the weekend.
Chinese President Xi Jinping also congratulated him on Sunday, according to a report by the Chinese Communist Party's Xinhua.
"Xi pointed out that China and Kiribati are good friends, good partners and good brothers," the new agency reported.
"Since the resumption of China-Kiribati diplomatic ties in September 2019, the two countries have witnessed increasing political mutual trust, fruitful practical cooperation and close people-to-people and sub-national exchanges" Xi said, according to the report.
"Xi said that he would like to work with Maamau to promote the steady and long-term development of bilateral ties so as to bring more benefits to the people of the two countries," it added.