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First Up for Tuesday 10 October 2023
National's Nicola Willis on last week of campaign
5:50 AM.Labour's finance spokesperson Grant Robertson says National's fiscal plan will require over $3 billion in cuts to public services every year. He says this could mean 6,000 job losses nationwide and… Read more Audio
Latest from Mid-East with Lisette Reymer
5:45 AM.To the Middle-East now, joining First Up from Tel Aviv is Newshub's international correspondent Lisette Reymer. Audio
Mike Heard attempts most bungy jumps in 24 hours for charity
5:35 AM.If you're passing over the Auckland Harbour Bridge today, spare a thought for the man underneath hanging from a bungy rope. Mike Heard is no stranger to Bungy jumping for a cause, and today he will be… Read more Audio
Some rates for West Coasters may rise by 100 per cent
5:23 AM.We're off to the West Coast now - local Democracy reporter Brendon McMahon joins us from Greymouth. Audio
Japan experiences 2 tsunamis in 2 weeks
5:14 AM.To Japan now, and our correspondent Chris Gilbert and he told Nathan Rarere they've been experiencing tsunamis - two of them in the last two weeks. Audio
UK: pledges to provide support to Israel if required
5:09 AM.To the UK now - where Prime Minister Rishi Sunak says the country is poised to offer Israel military help. With Nathan Rarere is our correspondent Henry Riley. Audio