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First Up for Tuesday 21 May 2024
Visa issues delays resettlement of Palestinian from Gaza
5:52 AM.A family of escapees from Gaza are in limbo waiting for permission to work here in New Zealand - First Up producer Mahvash Ikram has the story Audio
Budget nearly off to printers - Finance Minister Nicola Willis
5:45 AM.Finance Minister Nicola Willis on her first Budget and charter schools. Audio
Marlborough District Council to rid of obnoxious rabbits
5:26 AM.Maia Hart, Marlborough's local democracy reporter tells Nathan about the huge rabbit population which is damaging the stopbank network. Audio
Leaders of Japan, Sth Korea and China to meet at summit
5:18 AM.The leaders of Japan, South Korea and China are set to meet - Chris Gilbert reports from Japan Audio
Sth America: Brazil floods, Chile has record cold temperatures
5:12 AM.It's flooding in Brazil and chilly in Chile - reporting on all the news from South America is Kate Pereya-Garcia Audio
UK: findings of inquiry into infected blood between 1970-1991
5:06 AM.An inquiry into tainted blood products in the UK has released a report - correspondent Ellie Jay has the details Audio