22 Aug 2015

Lisa Reihana: pursuing Venus

From Saturday Morning, 11:05 am on 22 August 2015

Artworks by Reihana
Lisa Reihana, In Pursuit of Venus [infected], 2015. Multi-channel video. Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tamaki, gift of the Patrons of Auckland Art Gallery.

Lisa Reihana profile picLisa Reihana is an artist of Nga Puhi descent who works in multimedia, photography and sculpture.

The world premiere of her 26 metre-long, eight-million-pixels-per-frame video projection, In Pursuit of Venus [infected], depicting British explorers and Pacific people meeting on a Tahitian landscape, is on display at the Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki (to 30 August).

A book about the work, In Pursuit of Venus, edited by Clare McIntosh, has been published by the gallery in conjunction with the exhibition.


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