Put a cap on plastic: Trisia Farrelly

From Saturday Morning, 8:45 am on 7 December 2024
Contamination. Troops of plastic and microplastics that reach the beaches carried by the winds and the tides. Canary Islands. (Photo by Sergio Hanquet / Biosphoto / Biosphoto via AFP)


Efforts to secure a global treaty to cap plastic pollution failed at a meeting of almost 200 countries in Busan, South Korea, this week.

Almost half the nations present were onboard with the idea, those against were some oil-producing countries who said restricting plastic will harm developing nations.

According to the Ministry for the Environment global plastic production is expected to triple by 2060.

Trisia Farrelly is Senior Research Scientist at the Cawthron Institute and part of New Zealand's scientist coalition for an effective Plastics Treaty in Busan. 

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