14 Dec 2024

The undefinable C.W. Stoneking

From Saturday Morning, 10:27 am on 14 December 2024
CW Stoneking

CW Stoneking Photo: Supplied

Award-winning Australian singer-songwriter C.W. Stoneking is coming to New Zealand next month for a string of shows, including headlining the Auckland Folk Festival.

Critics have called him the 'Unexpected Hero of Southern Blues' - though he's one of those rare talents that doesn't quite fit into any one box or category.

Known for his unique voice and style which blends multiple genres, including the likes of New Orleans brass and drums, Traditional African music, early 20th century blues, jazz, and American folk. His albums have taken inspiration from being lost in the jungle to being shipwrecked off the coast of West Africa - the latter of which actually happened to him.

Mihi caught up with C.W. ahead of his upcoming shows to find out more about the man behind the well-pressed suit.

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