7:33 am today

Study finds link between ADHD and paracetamol in pregnancy

From Saturday Morning, 7:33 am today
An unrecognizable female doctor wears protective mask and gloves as she prepares to examine an unrecognizable pregnant woman.

Photo: 123rf

A study of over 300 women in the US is adding to research suggesting a link between pregnant women who take paracetamol and the prevalence of ADHD in their children. 
Previous studies on an apparent link between the medicine, also known as acetaminophen have led to different findings.

A 2019 study showed a 20 percent higher risk of children developing ADHD, while a larger analysis last year saw no such pattern between siblings who either were or were not exposed to paracetamol.

And while far from conclusive, this latest study from the University of Washington and published in the New Scientist relied on blood samples taken from the women rather than self-reporting.

The researchers followed up with the mothers when their children were between 8 and 10 years old, to check for a diagnosis of ADHD.

Susie found out more from lead study author at Seattle's Children's Research Institute Dr Brennan Baker.

Plunket in New Zealand says if you are pregnant, talk to your doctor before taking paracetamol. Paracetamol can usually be safely used by pregnant women but there are limits to how much can be safely taken in a 24-hour period. Always follow the label and make sure the medication is not expired.