Navigation for Saturday Morning
Artist Wayne Youle - "20/20 words of wisdom"
work from Wayne Youle's restrospective show "20/20 words of wisdom"
"History tells me" 2018-2019. Collection of the artist and SUITE gallery
"genius" 2012-2013 (detail) Collection of the artist
"My fact is no match for your fiction" 2014-2015 Collection of the artist
"I'll be the one wearing the pink carnation, standing in the corner (sweating)" 2017 Collection of the artist. Photo: John Collie, courtesy of Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū
"The Saviour" 2012 Fibreglass, mahogany, leather, ply, electrical components Collection of Te Puna O Waiwhetu
"alone time", 2014, Mixed Media, Collection of Te Puna O Waiwhetu
"Heavy is the air we breathe when it is the breath we use for judging others" 2010 Wood dyed hand turned rimu
"I see you, sunny disposition" 2018 Stainless steel, coloured glass, walnut timber, electrical components
"If dad says no, ask mum and if she says no ask her Majesty" 2010 Beef bone Collection of Garth Gallaway
"Sleeping Dad", 2015 Hand sewn acrylic wool felt and Belgian linen
** ( I never titled this…but will soon)" 2000 Acrylic on canvas
The images in this gallery are used with permission and are subject to copyright conditions.