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[VIDEO] Rainbow reflections: A Chinese journey of self-discovery

11:48 17/5/2024

As New Zealand's rainbow communities mark the Day Against LGBTQIA+ Discrimination on Friday, three Chinese residents discuss the challenges they have faced in their journey.

"Arajoe", 23, vividly recalls the day she first came out to her mother.

The graphic designer remembers experiencing a mix of fear and excitement, bringing tears to her eyes.

"A heavy weight was lifted from my shoulders," Arajoe says. "My mother's love for me surpassed my expectations."

Approaching his 31st birthday, Ming* says it has taken him nearly two decades to fully embrace his sexuality.

The IT practitioner describes his journey as long, arduous and sometimes bitter.

"Had I lived in a more LGBTQI+ friendly environment, I might have understood and accepted myself much sooner," Ming says.

Yan*, 41, has conceived two sons with her wife.

Although the urban designer says she initially struggled with how to explain the uniqueness of the family to their children, she believes that parental confidence bolsters their children's development.

"You strive to be there for them, shower them with love and ensure they feel complete within the family unit," Yan says. "Even without a traditional father or mother figure, a child can still thrive mentally and emotionally."

*Ming and Yan spoke on condition of using a pseudonym to protect their privacy

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