New Zealanders play a small but significant role in the Second World War on land, sea and air. Meanwhile our farms and factories keep supplies flowing to the battlefields. But when Japan enters the war it looks like the fighting is about to arrive on our doorstep.
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Topics covered
- NZers in the Spanish Civil War.
- The difference between volunteers for WWI vs WWII.
- The formation of the 28th Māori Battalion.
- The battles for Greece and Crete, and the North Africa campaign.
- Manpowering regulations and the role of women, both in the armed services and taking over jobs in farms and factories.
- Japanese entry into the war, coastal fortification and the Semple Tank.
- The holocaust and NZ’s attitute toward Jewish refugees.
- Aotearoa/New Zealand’s reaction to the end of the war
Photo: RNZ/NZ On Air