20 Oct 2022

Season 2 Ep 4: Epidemics

From The Aotearoa History Show, 5:00 am on 20 October 2022

During the Covid-19 pandemic we’ve heard people say stuff like “we’re living in unprecedented times”… But every time they hear that, historians get extremely annoyed! Epidemics have had a huge impact on many countries through history and New Zealand is no exception.

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In this episode we dig into the history of epidemics in Aotearoa New Zealand, including:

  • Why Māori were relatively free of diseases until European arrival in Aotearoa.

  • The factors which helped promote the development of epidemic diseases in Europe and Asia.

  • The early impacts of disease on Māori in the 19th century.

  • Efforts by colonial authorities to reduce the impacts of disease on Māori, and how these efforts were linked to a goal of “assimilating” Māori into European culture.

  • Efforts by Māori to reduce the impact of disease.

  • The development of sanitary infrastructure and its impact on epidemic disease.

  • The 1918 flu pandemic.

  • Polio epidemics in the 20th century.

  • The impact of modern medicines, including vaccines.

For more on this subject:

  • The Healthy Country? A History of Life and Death in New Zealand by Alistair Woodward and Tony Blakely
  • Black November by Geoffrey Rice
  • Dirt: Filth and Decay in a New World Arcadia by Pamela Janet Wood
  • Epidemics - Te Ara https://teara.govt.nz/en/epidemics