Alexander Turnbull Library
170 wonders from the Alexander Turnbull Library
From millions of items in the Alexander Turnbull Library, curators have chosen just 170 for a new exhibition to celebrate the institution's 100th birthday. It's actually the 101st. The Miharo Wonder… Audio, Gallery
Alexander Turnbull Library celebrates 100 years of treasures
The Alexander Turnbull Library's 100th birthday celebrations may have been scuttled by Covid-19, but the treasure trove of New Zealand archives still gets to mark this milestone. An exhibition of… Audio, Gallery
Pukana - centuries of Maori performance
From Maori origin stories to te reo thrash metal - a new exhibition is canvassing Maori performance over the centuries. Pukana: moments in Maori performance at the National Library in Wellington… Audio
Preserving your photographs
In the cloud, in your phone, on your laptop, maybe on a memory stick - this is how most people store their photos these days. Audio, Gallery
Lasting Impressions: when papers were the only news
The days of printed newspapers may be numbered in the digital era, but until the 1920s there were no other news media at all - and New Zealanders were eager readers. Historian and author Ian F Grant… Audio
Lasting Impressions: when papers were the only news
The days of printed newspapers may be numbered in the digital era, but until the 1920s there were no other news media at all - and New Zealanders were eager readers. Historian and author Ian F Grant…
AudioSaving the Flying Nun tapes
Flying Nun founder Roger Shepherd talks about Flying Nun Records taking a big step towards preserving its music heritage by donating hundreds of original masters to the Alexander Turnbull Library. Audio
Today in New Zealand History
A new history book reveals the milestones, innovations, catastrophes, victories and quirky facts behind the dates that made New Zealand History. The book was put together by a team of historians… Audio, Gallery
Music in the Rotunda
The history of band rotundas takes centre stage today as an exhibition telling the story of rotundas in big towns and small opens at the National Library’s Turnbull Gallery. Co-curators Samantha… Audio
Aurora Australis- the first polar printed book
A curator at the Alexander Turnbull Library in Wellington is asking for your help to find out the fate of book presses taken to Antarctica by explorer Earnest Shackleton.
The first book ever printed… Audio, Gallery
Turnbull Library buys a lemon at auction
The auction house that handled the sale of what has turned out to be a fake Gottfried Lindauer painting says there could be other fake Lindauers waiting to be uncovered. Audio
Auction house owner surprised by fake Lindauer
The auction house that handled the sale of what has turned out to be a fake Gottfried Lindauer painting says there could be other fake Lindauers waiting to be uncovered.
Obvious fake to some - but not to the library buyer
The Alexander Turnbull Library has been left embarassed, spending $75 thousand of taxpayers' money and donations on a fake painting. The Library, which collects national heritage material, bought a… Audio
National heritage collector duped
It's been revealed that the country's national heritage collector has been duped into paying $75 thousand for a painting it was warned was a fake. Alexander Turnbull Library thought the portrait was… Audio
Warning fails to deter library from buying $75,000 forgery
A forgery has cost the taxpayer and the country's national heritage collector dearly, after it ignored an art expert's warnings, and went ahead and bought the fake painting. Alexander Turnbull Library… Audio
Giant Atlas - Mark Bagnall
It's an atlas of epic proportions. In fact, it is one of the largest in the world and Wellington now has its own copy. The book measures 1.8 metres by 1.4m, weighs 150 kilograms and it will now call… Audio
Treasures from the Turnbull collection
Fiona Oliver is the published collections curator at the Alexander Turnbull Library in Wellington: Body in the Library: the remarkable and murky past of Wellington's first librarian. Audio
Douglas - Landscape of a New Zealand Composer - Episode 10
Legacies looks at what Douglas Lilburn left behind and recalls the composer's support and appreciation for other artists. Audio
Bond Street Bridge in session
Sam Prebble goes under the pseudonym Bond St Bridge. Sam accompanies his songs about storms, black market soul transplants, and Paris circa 1900 on mandolin, violin, guitar and loops. He talks to… Audio