Do prized artworks need more protection?
In private hands, iconic New Zealand treasures can be sold off, hidden away, or even destroyed. Audio
Do prized artworks need more protection?
In private hands, iconic New Zealand treasures can be sold off, hidden away, or even destroyed.
AudioThe Week in Detail: Museums, Mittens and the Mill
The Detail podcast brings you the issues behind the news every weekday. Here's what we covered this week. Audio
The Week in Detail: Museums, Mittens and the Mill
The Detail podcast brings you the issues behind the news every weekday. Here's what we covered this week.
AudioShould museums return culturally significant items?
European museums are stacked with cultural treasures taken from their former colonies. New thinking could change that. Audio
Should museums return culturally significant items?
European museums are stacked with cultural treasures taken from their former colonies. New thinking could change that.
AudioMāori stone artefact digital repository
A high tech project is underway to shed light on thousands of Māori stone artefacts, so they can be preserved for future generations. Funded by the MBIE, it involves archaeologists, bioengineers and… Audio
Episode 1: He Wawata (An Aspiration)
Te Awe was a project designed to enrich, reorganise, and improve the care of our 10,000+ taonga Māori in a way that is embedded in Mātauranga Māori. Video
Episode 2: Taumata Māreikura (The Weavers)
During the second phase (2017-2019), as part of our Mātauranga Māori approach, Auckland Museum partnered with Taumata Māreikura, some of Aotearoa’s most skilled & experienced weavers. Video
Episode 3: Preserving the Kākahu
The first phase of this project (2013-2016), centred on the renewal of the Auckland Museum’s carving store, home to approximately 5,400 carved taonga. Video
Episode 4: Moving the Kākahu
Since the project started in 2013 with Phase 1, over 5,400 taonga made from wood and stone passed through the project team’s caring hands. Video
Meet: The Te Awe Team
The Te Awe Team is made up of Curators, Collection Technicians, Conservators, Storage Technicians and a dedicated photographer who care for the incredible variety of taonga Māori housed in the Museum.
…Coming up