Jupiter moon mission: Taranaki man realises childhood dream
24 Oct 2024
A Taranaki man fascinated with space is working on a team that has sent a space probe to one of Jupiter's moons, to learn whether conditions for life exist there.
Bright aurora light up Southern photographers
21 Apr 2024
Two nights of bright aurora have had night photographers running for their cameras to capture the multicoloured skies.
Unravelling neutrinos deep below the Antarctic ice
27 Jul 2023
Deep below the Antarctic ice, thousands of light sensors are set up to detect tiny, ghost-like astronomical messengers. They're there to help scientists detect and study neutrinos, one of the most… Audio
Star witness
21 Jun 2023
Astronomy isn't something you readily associate with the legal system and a court environment, but those worlds collide for Astrophysicist/Cosmologist Dr Brad Tucker from the Australian National… Audio