What's Changed For Malcolm Gladwell
Best-selling author, journalist and podcaster Malcolm Gladwell sits down with Kim Hill to explain his latest book and how his perspective has changed last 25 years. He delivers insights into the power… Audio
From meth capital to book town: What's going on in Featherston?
The Detail: In the space of a decade, Featherston has reinvented itself.
Harry Potter's Invisibility Cloak
Colm Healy chats about the magic of material science and possible real life equivalents to Harry Potter's invisibility cloak. Audio
Emily Perkins: 'We need to prioritise arts in the school system'
Author Emily Perkins says 'radical wildness and imagination' are more necessary now than ever, in a speech delivered as part of a nationwide series.
The big names at this year's Auckland Writers Festival
The line-up for southern hemisphere's largest literary festival includes Booker Prize-winners and BookTok favourites alongside Aotearoa's own book stars.
2024 Ockham Book Awards - the long list cheat sheet
Have you seen the 2024 Ockhams Books Awards longlist? It’s a great big juicy list full of Aotearoa New Zealand writing. Here’s what the experts have to say about longlisted titles in the fiction and…
Ruth Shaw: Wee bookshops and huge love for dogs
Ruth Shaw, author of the international bestsellerThe Bookseller at the End of the World, tells Saturday Morning about her new book, which is all about a love of dogs. Audio
Magpie story flies high at 2023 Ockham New Zealand Book Awards
A 'powerfully compelling' novel narrated by a cheeky magpie called Tama has flown off with New Zealand's top literary prize.
Barbara Else: 'It’s been quite a ride'
Barbara Else has written award-winning fiction for decades, but didnt think her life story had enough "drama" to make an interesting memoir. But after starting to write down memories of the "little… Audio