Christchurch Cathedral
Milestone for Christchurch Cathedral rebuild with stabilisation
A huge milestone in the rebuild of the Christchurch Cathedral.
Twelves years since the Canterbury earthquakes caused extensive damage to the building, community leaders and project managers have… Video, Audio
Remote-operated digger begins clearing cathedral debris
A remote-operated digger has started work on Christ Church Cathedral removing rubble from the historic building, which project managers are describing as a world first.
Remote-controlled digger starts work on Christchurch Cathedral
A remote-operated digger has started work on Christchurch Cathedral removing rubble from the historic building.
It's a job project managers are describing as a world first - and a significant… Video, Audio
A tale of two cathedrals
Both of Christchurch's big cathedrals were destroyed in the earthquakes. Their fates have been very different, and only one will rise again. Audio
A tale of two cathedrals
Both of Christchurch's big cathedrals were destroyed in the earthquakes. Their fates have been very different, and only one will rise again.
AudioDisappointment as Bishop decides to demolish Chch cathedral
Christchurch's Blessed Sacrament Cathedral was set to be repaired following the Canterbury earthquakes, but the new Bishop Paul Martin has decided it's too expensive and has decided to rebuild closer… Video, Audio
Parties commit to cathedral rebuild
Parties involved in rebuilding Christchurch's quake damaged Cathedral have signed an agreement today, clearing the way for work to begin.
Work on Chch cathderal site expected within weeks
It might only be weeks before some work on the quake-damaged Christ Church cathedral site finally begins. The cathedral has sat desolate since the 2011 quake, and locals think it's taken too long for… Video, Audio
Cathedral restoration: 'People are more important than buildings'
The departing Anglican Bishop of Christchurch has criticised the restoration of the Cathedral, questioning if there will be enough money to pay for it.
'We shouldn't be propping up the Anglicans'
After public consultation, the Christchurch City Council has found the majority of residents don't think ratepayers should foot part of the bill for restoring the cathedral. Video, Audio
Atheists 2 cents on the Cathedral
The Society of Rationalists and Humanists says the Anglican Church should stump up for the Christchurch Cathedral's rebuild costs not the government. Audio
Heritage groups relieved about Chch cathedral decision
Christchurch is being promised that workers will finally start rebuilding the city's wrecked Cathedral by Christmas. Audio
Christ Church Cathedral to be restored
The governing body for Canterbury Anglicans has voted to restore the Christ Church cathedral after around six years of debate. Former Christchurch Mayor Garry Moore has been a long-time advocate for… Audio
Decision on Christchurch Cathedral imminent
The Anglican Synod is underway in Christchurch, with a decision about the future of the city's quake-stricken Cathedral expected as soon as tomorrow. Audio
'People before buildings': Bishop on Christ Church Cathedral's future
Bishop Victoria Matthews says she would rather see money spent helping people than reinstating the Christ Church Cathedral, badly damaged in the 2011 earthquake. Video, Audio
Chch Cathedral rebuild achievable, new report shows
The Anglican church would only have to contribute the money it received in its insurance payout in order for Christchurch's cathedral to be restored. Video, Audio
Call for govt to buy Christchurch's cathedral
Christchurch mayor Lianne Dalziel is warning years of legal wrangling lie ahead if the Anglican church tries to get a resource consent to demolish the historic Cathedral. Video, Audio
Govt urged to act on Christ Church Cathedral decision
The Greater Christchurch Buildings Trust warns if the government doesn't step in and force a decision before September, the quake damaged building will remain in a state of decay for years to come. Video, Audio
ChristChurch Cathedral decision delay
More delay and more frustration over the fate of the remains of the Cathedral. Audio
Philip Burdon confident cathedral impasse can be sorted out
Philip Burdon of Future Canterbury Network says a series of unfortunate misunderstandings have led to an impasse between the Government and a group negotiating how to restore the Christchurch… Audio