Clare Curran
The Panel with Mike Williams & Ali Jones (Part 1)
Tonight on The Panel, Wallace Chapman and panellists Mike Williams & Ali Jones discuss the latest with the State of Emergency in Dunedin & the four day submission window for the Crown Minerals… Audio
MPs on the way out strike back at media
Politicians’ conduct has sparked stacks of media condemnation lately amid a surge of scandals and sudden resignations. But two MPs quitting politics this past week took a swipe at the media on the way… Video, Audio
Clare Curran ‘relief, exhaustion, disappointment and hope’
“It’s a mixture of relief and I guess exhaustion, and disappointment and also hope.” Clare Curran is leaving politics, she talks bear pits, the media, Dunedin, mental health and tartan noir. Audio
Chatting at the exit: departing MPs talk parliament
Gareth Hughes and Clare Curran have each seen four parliaments, and a lot of politics. We have highlights from our chats with the outgoing Green and Labour MPs. Audio
The other members' bills
Parliamentary Members' Days can be filled with interest and suspense. But not usually. Sometimes MPs have to keep themselves entertained by littering speeches with rubbish trash puns. Audio
PM, Labour staff implicated in Derek Handley saga - National
National says things are getting ever-murkier with the latest release of all of the Government documents and communications regarding the Chief Technology Officer position. Deputy leader Paula Bennett… Video, Audio
Focus on PM after Derek Handley releases correspondence
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has previously told Parliament she didn't respond to a text from Derek Handley about the CTO role, but communications show she did. National leader Simon Bridges is… Video, Audio
Who is Derek Handley?
What's his skill set? What experience does he have? The best person to ask is obviously the man himself, but Derek Handley is not responding to requests for comment. So Checkpoint looked at his CV. Video, Audio
Ministers refuse to bring Handley emails to question time
Government ministers have defied a pointed request from Parliament's Speaker to bring emails from former minister Clare Curran to question time today. Video, Audio
Ministers defy request to bring details of Clare Curran's emails
Government ministers have defied a pointed request from the Speaker of the House to bring emails from former minister Clare Curran to question time today.
Curran's emails to Derek Handley to be revealed
State Services Minister Chris Hipkins is expected to turn up to Parliament on Wednesday afternoon with copies of former Minister Clare Curran's personal emails to technology entrepreneur Derek… Audio
Media’s ministerial pile-on prompts reflection
The media seized on Clare Curran's stumbles and wrote off her ministerial career well before she pulled the plug last week. She cited "intolerable pressure" and said her mistakes were "greatly… Audio
Clare Curran returns to Parliament
Embattled Labour MP Clare Curran was back at Parliament today for the first time since resigning as a minister. Deputy Political Editor Chris Bramwell reports. Audio
Clare Curran tells PM she will make Gmails available
Former government minister Clare Curran says she has assured Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern she is archiving all emails she sent using her personal Gmail account.
Government spend-ups and policy base
Constitutional law expert Andrew Geddis covers a few political topics with the Panelists and assesses how the government's performing. The $700,000 Justice Summit - a waste of money? How the Clare… Audio
PM under pressure in wake of Clare Curran's resignation
Political Editor Jane Patterson talks to Rowan Quinn about Clare Curran's resignation, saying it came as a surprise after Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said this morning she had no intention of firing… Video, Audio
Clare Curran resigns as Minister after series of errors
Embattled Labour MP Clare Curran has resigned as a minister, saying she's made mistakes but they were amplified and put "intolerable pressure" on her. Craig McCulloch reports. Video, Audio
Performance reviews for Ministers
Former minister Peter Dunne has suggested that ministers can't be expected to know exactly how to do their job immediately, they should have more help in the form of training and should be subjected… Audio
Curran quits
Embattled minister Clare Curran has resigned, saying the pressure on her had become "intolerable". Audio