A love for Clydesdales - 'They just become your mates'
Steve Muggeridge's beloved Clydesdales have returned to Taranaki. Not far from the original family stud, at the base of the maunga, he chats about the changing use of the heavy horse and hitches a… Video, Audio
A love for Clydesdales - 'They just become your mates'
Steve Muggeridge's beloved Clydesdales have returned to Taranaki. Not far from the original family stud, at the base of the maunga, he chats about the changing use of the heavy horse and hitches a…
AudioErewhon Station: Where the tractors have four legs
There were no tractors in sight when Cosmo Kentish-Barnes visited Erewhon Station. Instead a team of eight Clydesdales were churning the soil over in preparation for sowing. Audio
Erewhon Station: Where the tractors have four legs
There were no tractors in sight when Cosmo Kentish-Barnes visited Erewhon Station. Instead a team of eight Clydesdales were churning the soil over in preparation for sowing.
AudioWeather update -- Erin Cassie at Erewhon Station
Now we're heading to the normally-picturesque Erewhon Station, a high country property nestled right amongst the Southern Alps, to see what's happening there. Leaser holder Erin Cassie is with us for… Audio