Green Party
Sue Kedgley: 50 years at the feminist coalface
Pioneering New Zealand feminist, activist and former Green MP Sue Kedgley first came to public attention in the 1970s as an early, outspoken women's liberationist for femism. Her new book, Fifty Years… Audio
Meet the new MPs: Greens
There are 42 new MPs in Parliament. They each give an introductory speech. We’re collecting them for you. Here are the new Green Party MPs. - UPDATED - Video
Waitangi 2021: Green party co-leader Marama Davidson
How will the Green Party make - as it has announced - Te Tiriti o Waitangi the centre of all their policies? Audio
Focus on Politics: The Green School Fiasco
What seemed at first to be a minor misjudgement ballooned into a major scandal for the Green Party co-leader James Shaw this week, with each day bringing fresh revelations about the Green School… Audio
Gareth Hughes ‘trading a suit for gumboots‘
After 10 years in Parliament senior Green MP Gareth Hughes talks fatherhood, climate change and an MP’s job and life as he prepares to push the eject button on politics. Audio
Political party donations in New Zealand
News broke this week that police and the Serious Fraud Office will investigate the New Zealand First Foundation to see if it has breached the Electoral Act. This follows an announcement on the 29th of… Audio
Dunedin's goes Green with new mayor
Dunedin's gone Green, with the election of Green Party councillor Aaron Hawkins as the city's next mayor. The 35-year-old Green Party candidate secured about 15,000 votes, putting him ahead of 13… Audio
Greens question motive behind $150k donation to National
The Green Party is raising questions about whether anything was promised in exchange for the $150,000 given to the National Party by a Chinese-owned company.
And it says its yet another reason to ban… Video, Audio
Russel Norman: Climate change targets 'just pieces of paper'
Former Green party co-leader Russel Norman says while the government’s new Zero Carbon Bill set some targets, they’re not enforceable and there’s no plan in place to reach them. He told Lisa Owen it’s… Video, Audio
Greens support limited changes to benefits: 'This is the start'
Greens co-leader Marama Davidson says her party will support the limited changes announced to benefits, even though they fall short of the full welfare overhaul promised in its confidence and supply… Video, Audio
Marama Davidson says James Shaw recovering after attack
A 47-year-old man will appear in Wellington District Court tomorrow in relation to an attack on Climate Change Minister James Shaw - his Green Party co-leader Marama Davidson says Mr Shaw was… Video, Audio
How green is green enough for the Greens?
National leader Simon Bridges says the Green Party lacks teeth when it comes to effecting serious environmental change ... our panellists weigh in with their thoughts. Audio
Govt team needed to improve equality for LGBTQI community - Greens
Green MP Jan Logie says she wants a government team dedicated to improving equality for the Rainbow community.
PM rules out lowering MMP threshold - for now
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has ruled out lowering the MMP threshold in time for next year's election after National challenged her to take the option off the table, following Greens' public push to… Audio
MPs split over school strike for climate change
Green and Labour MPs will give the School Strike for Climate a warm welcome when it marches on Parliament next Friday, but National MPs say pupils shouldn't bunk class for it. Video, Audio
Green Party leadership holds to govt decisions
The Green Party leadership have dug in their heels, and won't be reversing any of the decisions they've made in government. Party stalwarts Jeanette Fitzsimons and Sue Bradford had hoped the caucus… Audio
Greens to swallow dead rat, vote for waka-jumping bill
The Green Party says it is having to swallow a dead rat by voting for the waka-jumping legislation.
Jan Logie delighted Domestic Violence bill now law
Green Party MP Jan Logie's Domestic Violence Victims' Protection Bill has been passed into law at Parliament tonight. The bill gives domestic violence victims up to ten days leave off work to deal… Audio
Greens call for govt to do more to protect farm animals
The Green Party is urging its coaltion partners in government to reconsider the Ministry for Primary Industry's responsibilities and capabilities around animal welfare. Audio
Greens in mortal danger - Bradford
Opinion - The Green's water bottling decision exposes potentially fatal flaws and complacency at the heart of Green parliamentary operations.