Green Party
Green Party labelled 'sellout' over water decision
The Green Party is facing blowback from supporters who say it has sold out after one of its ministers allowed a Chinese water bottling giant to expand.
Eugenie Sage labelled a sell out for bottling consent decision
The Green Party has been accused of selling out by its own supporters over a Government decision to allow a Chinese water bottling giant to expand. Video, Audio
Green Party demanding help for meth testing evictees
The Green Party is demanding the government put things right for the victims of what it describes as the country's methamphetamine testing hysteria. Benedict Collins reports. Audio
Focus on Politics: Meet Marama Davidson
The Green Party finally has a new female co-leader after several months, but Marama Davidson has her work cut out for her. Since the election there has been fierce debate within the party's membership… Audio
Julie Anne Genter launches bid to be Greens co-leader
With nominations due to close tomorrow, Ms Genter and fellow MP Marama Davidson are so far the only two to put their names forward for the position, vacated by Metiria Turei just before last year's… Video, Audio
Marama Davidson vies for Greens co-leadership
Marama Davidson has thrown her hat in the ring to become a co-leader of the Green Party. The role of female co-leader has been vacant since Metiria Turei stood down before last year's election. Marama… Audio
Green Party to elect new co-leader
Nominations open in a week's time, then in roughly two months, the party's delegates - all 150 of them - will vote. The new co-leader will be announced on April 8. Audio
Green Party assess bios after Golriz Ghahraman's omission
New Greens MP Golriz Ghahraman has come under criticism for not including her work defending war criminals on her official MP bio. Video, Audio
Labour forced to turn to National for TPP support
Labour will have to turn to its chief rival National to get the TPP through Parliament after the Greens said they oppose the deal. Audio
New government, new faces – our ethnic MPs
Lynda Chanwai-Earle is at parliament in Wellington to suss out ethnic representation amongst the new MPs and meet New Zealand's first ever former-refugee MP. Audio, Gallery
Manus Island refugees: Jacinda Ardern likely to come under more pressure to do more
Opinion - Jacinda Ardern is talking tougher with Australia but may come under pressure from the Green Party to do more to help the Manus Island refugees, writes Brent Edwards.
RECAP: New government ministers: Who got what
The incoming Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, has revealed her government's new ministerial line-up. Video
Welfare, climate big winners in Greens-Labour deal
The welfare system will be overhauled to remove 'excessive sanctions' and make sure people can live in dignity, as part of the Green Party's support deal with Labour.
Coalition deals revealed
The coalition deals between Labour and NZ First and Labour and the Greens have been unveiled. Details were released when the parties held signing ceremonies at Parliament today. Video, Audio
Kermadec sanctuary plans still afloat
The Labour and Green parties have rejected reports that the proposed Kermadec Ocean marine sanctuary is dead in the water.
Cannabis referendum part of Greens' deal
New Zealand will have a referendum on legalising marijuana for personal use as part of the Greens deal with Labour.
Bill English concedes
National Party Leader Bill English talks to reporters about the negotiations that led to the National Party no longer being in government. Audio
Green Party leader speaks to the media
Green Party leader James Shaw talks about the Green Party's role providin in confidence and supply in the new Labour-NZ First-Green alliance. Audio
Jacinda Adern makes first speech as incoming Prime Minister
The Labour Leader and soon to be Prime Minister Jacinda Adern says she believes she has found coalition partners she can work with. Winston Peters has been offered the position of Deputy Prime… Video, Audio
Green Party still needs to officially sign up for coalition
Otago University's expert in electoral law Andrew Geddis on the incoming coalition government. Audio