Long Tailed Bat
Geraldine farmers go to bat for endangered species
5 Jun 2020
Award winning wagyu beef farmers Evan and Clare Chapman were going to cut down a row of willows at their Kakahu property until they discovered a colony of long-tailed bats/pekapeka had made the old… Audio, Gallery
Geraldine farmers go to bat for endangered species
5 Jun 2020
Award winning wagyu beef farmers Evan and Clare Chapman were going to cut down a row of willows at their Kakahu property until they discovered a colony of long-tailed bats/pekapeka had made the old…
AudioNew approach to pests needed for bat's survival - DOC
20 Aug 2017
Large-scale poisoning of rats and stoats is essential for the survival for the critically endangered New Zealand long-tailed bat, research has found.
Endangered native bat found in urban Auckland
29 Apr 2017
A native bat has been detected in urban West Auckland for the first time in 15 years.