'Defend the shed' - how the poultry industry has been preparing
Avian flu has been found on an Otago chicken farm for the first time in New Zealand's history. It's something the poultry industry has spent months preparing for and we take you inside a North Island… Audio
Investigation into paua and kina poaching in Coromandel
A investigation is underway into alleged paua and kina poaching on the Coromandel Peninsula. MPI said calls to the fisheries poacher hotline last Tuesday night saw 3 people caught in Pauanui. It's… Audio
Officials prepare contingency plan as avian influenza inches closer
Environmental officials are preparing a contingency plan as avian influenza inches closer to our shores. Audio
MPI investigating alleged rat problem at Dunedin supermarket
The Ministry For Primary Industries confirmed its investigating an alleged rat problem at a Dunedin south supermarket following complaints. Woolworth admits its Andersons Bay road store has "recently… Audio
Healthy home for chooks at clifftop egg farm
When Anna Penn's flock of 3,000 hardy hens stop pecking and look up, they can watch waves crashing into the shore. They're residents at New Zealand's southernmost commercial egg farm, overlooking Te… Audio
MPI announces M. bovis cull in Mid-Canterbury
Thousands of cows are to be culled on a huge feedlot near Ashburton, which is infected with M bovis. The Ministry for Primary Industries has also announced that stock will need to be tested or reduced… Audio
M. bovis Cull
The Ministry of Primary Industries has announced it will begin culling cows on a huge feedlot near Ashburton which is infected with Mycoplasma bovis. A control area notice to reduce stock on 14 nearby… Audio
Proud to be guardians of the land
A group of farmers in Canterbury's Selwyn district are focused on improving water quality in streams that flow through their properties. Ellesmere Sustainable Agriculture has received government money… Audio
In pursuit of the perfect peanut
Can New Zealand grow peanuts suitable for peanut butter? Eight varieties are being trialed in Northland and one looks particularly promising... Audio
Pouring passion into Central Otago waterways
WAI Wānaka is working with local farmers and landowners to safeguard and improve the quality of their waterway ecosystems.
ETS: reward native not pine forest
The Ministry of Primary Industries is suggesting changing the forestry settings here in New Zealand so further planting of stands of pinus radiata aren't rewarded by the Emissions Trading Scheme… Audio
MPI consider timing of new cattle barn restrictions
The Ministry for Primary Industries is consulting on when to bring in new rules that'll impact farmers using barn systems to house dairy cattle.
Former All Black goes green
Harry Millar is a catchment farm advisor for the Hurunui District Landcare Group. He provides support and expertise to farmers to understand and develop farm environment plans and meet their evolving… Audio
Fed Farmers rubbishes Ashburton feedlot criticism amid probe
Federated Farmers' Mid Canterbury president says the animal and environmental standards of a major Ashburton farming feedlot under investigation are world class.
Double-muscled sheep breed offers meaty gains
Beltex ram lambs are making farmers around the country lick their chops. Known for its heavy hindquarters and excellent kill weights, the breed is the sheep industry's new kid on the butcher's block.
…M.bovis: inhumane and traumatising - new study
A study of the psycho-social impact of M.bovis on Southland's rural communities had found the Government's response was bureaucratic, inhumane and traumatising to farmers. The University of Otago… Audio
Farm animals suffering heat stress - calls for compliance
The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) is being urged to do more to prevent farm animals suffering from heat stress. Audio
Could peanuts be Northland's next big crop?
It might be peanuts for now, but coffee, pineapples and tropical jackfruit could all be part of Northland's future food basket.
The Ministry of Primary Industries has teamed up with the makers of… Video, Audio
Trial shipments of Tongan watermelon to NZ
Watermelon farmers in Tonga have shed tears of joy over the announcement their exports would be allowed into New Zealand again, on a trial basis. Audio
Preparing for the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
Professor Max Suckling has been to Italy to see the devastation in crops caused by the brown marmorated stink bug. He's been looking at ways of trapping the bug and other controls that could help… Audio