Mark Gilbert
Kamala Harris set to deliver concession speech
Vice President Kamala Harris is expected to deliver her concession speech in about an hour after the emphatic re-election of Republican Donald Trump to the Presidency Audio
Election USA: A Democrat’s View
As the US Election enters the final stretch, former United States Ambassador to New Zealand and Samoa, Mark Gilbert joins us to give his take on how the vote will go. Audio
Hundreds arriving to Christchurch hospital emergency department
Christchurch Hospital's emergency department is again being overwhelmed by the numbers coming in for treatment.
On Tuesday 366 people arrived, and at 7pm there were 131 being cared for in the… Audio
Tyrewise: a recycling scheme for NZ's millions of used tyres
Every year, around 6.5 million tyres reach the end of their lives in New Zealand and most get taken to landfills or illegally dumped. That's now set to change with the launch of New Zealand's first… Audio, Gallery
Covid-19: Canterbury's infection rate triple that of Auckland
Canterbury has nearly three times the rate of new Covid-19 infections as Auckland but, so far, the main emergency department says it is coping well.
The number of new cases recorded in the region… Audio
Electric utes closer to reality
National Party leader Christopher Luxon told RNZ he would scrap what he's calling the 'ute tax' if his party runs the next government.
Under the clean car subsidy the cleanest new cars, such as… Audio
$302 m to encourage EVs - are feebates back on the agenda?
The government has set aside $302 million to encourage low emissions vehicles and looks set to move on a feebate scheme, introducing incentives for electric vehicles and eventually a tax on gas… Audio
Canterbury DHB children's units can't be staffed
Children will miss out on specialised medical services they were to get for the first time in Canterbury and the District Health Board's health funding woes are to blame.
The district health board… Audio
No money to hire staff for specialist childrens' facilities at Christchurch hospital
New and better better emergency and acute care of children at Christchurch Hospital is not going to happen because there's no money to hire people to staff its new facilities.
The acting clinical… Audio
Fate of 'Feebate' EV scheme unclear
The Prime Minister has dismissed reports the government's electric vehicle subsidy plan has been halted in its tracks by New Zealand First. The Greens claimed on Friday the roll-out of the policy… Audio
Electric cars not catching on
One of the most comprehensive studies in the UK on EVS has outline that only 1 in 4 people would consider buying a fully electric car in the next five years. Range seems to be the major impediment. Audio
What happened to EV incentives?
There's around 13,800 electric vehicles or EVs on New Zealand roads, but any incentives to encourage more of them appears to be delayed. Associate Transport Minister Julie Anne Genter had indicated a… Audio
US Ambassador to NZ on latest election results
US Ambassador to New Zealand, Mark Gilbert, is hosting a function at the St John's Bar in Wellington. He joins Checkpoint. Video, Audio
US destroyer visit sign of an improving relationship
US ambassador Mark Gilbert tells Kim Hill that the New Zealand visit of US navy destroyer the USS Sampson next month marks a significant milestone in an improving relationship between the former Anzus… Audio
More economies take the plunge with negative interest rate
New Zealand's benchmark interest rate may be at an historic low of just two per cent. Audio
American Ambassador explains Super Tuesday
Tomorrow is the biggest day of the 2016 American primary season with polling taking place in 13 states and one territory in what is known as Super Tuesday. Audio
Choosing your own holidays
What if you were able to take as many days off work as you feel you need - or deserve? Mark Gilbert analyses what Richard Branson's suggestion might mean. Audio
Quake tourism new attraction in Christchurch
Christchurch has a new tourist attraction. Audio