Michael Cullen
Michael Cullen on caucus
A previously unbroadcast interview with Sir Michael Cullen about the party caucus, how it works and his experience of it. Audio
Michael Cullen on caucus
A previously unbroadcast interview with Sir Michael Cullen about the party caucus, how it works and his experience of it.
AudioTribute to Sir Michael Cullen
Former deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister, Sir Michael Cullen died overnight. Jesse speaks to his former colleague and flatmate Annette King. Audio
Former Deputy Prime Minister Sir Michael Cullen dies aged 76
Sir Michael Cullen dies aged 76
The former Labour finance minister and deputy Prime Minister Sir Michael Cullen, has died aged 76 in Whakatāne. Sir Michael Cullen had a long and distinguished career in academia, politics and… Audio
Sir Michael Cullen on Labour's outright victory
It's been an extraordinary result for Labour. Guyon Espiner talks to Sir Michael Cullen, who was deputy prime minister to Helen Clark, and her finance minister, about the results. Audio
National's KiwiSaver plans destroy scheme's purpose, says fmr Finance Minister
The National Party would allow people to tap into their KiwiSavers to start up a new business.
The BusinessStart policy is part of their Covid-19 recovery plan - and would give successful applicants… Audio
Govt considers giving more power to courts
The government is considering giving more power to courts, by giving judges the power to issues declarations that any law is inconsistent with the Bill of Rights and insisting the government respond… Audio
Time to remove budget secrecy?
The former finance minister Sir Michael Cullen is advocating the shroud of secrecy surrounding the budget be drawn back, for the sake of the public interest. Sir Michael joins us to explain his point… Audio
Tax Working Group head Michael Cullen doesn't expect a CGT in his lifetime
The former chair of the Government's Tax Working group says he's disappointed but not surprised that its proposal for a capital gains tax was rejected outright. Lisa Owen interviews Sir Michael… Video, Audio
Govt defends Sir Michael Cullen’s $1000 a day pay cheque
The government is defending still paying Sir Michael Cullen $1000 a day as the head of the Tax Working Group, which delivered its final report last month. Audio
Tax shakeup: details revealed
Sir Michael Cullen, chair of the Tax Working Group on the highly anticipated final report into how to improve our tax system. The changes would be the biggest shake-up to the tax system since GST was… Audio
Working group shies away from company tax changes
The interim report of the Taxation Working Group has been released .. and overall it seems to have shied away from any significant changes .. well so far at least. Audio
Tax group reports back
Sir Michael Cullen, chairman of the Tax Working Group, joins Kathryn to outline the recommendations of the group's interim report. Are new taxes on the cards? Audio
Michael Cullen - land tax, wealth tax, environment tax?
Is a shake up of the tax system looming? How likely are new taxes such as a broader capital gains tax, environmental taxes, and wealth taxes? The government's tax working group, headed by former the… Audio
National dismisses govt's 'rubber stamping' tax working group
Labour has unveiled the terms of reference for its tax working group review with the main goal to create a better balanced and fairer tax system. But the terms of reference have been criticised as too… Audio
Edgecumbe floods report says no single issue to blame
Edgecumbe locals have been left looking for someone to blame with a new independent report into the town's disastrous flood falling short of pointing the finger. The long-awaited independent review by… Audio
Numerous council failings before Edgecumbe flood
An independent review chaired by Sir Michael Cullen looked into whether the flood was preventable, and found the Bay of Plenty Regional Council failed in several areas. Video, Audio
Kiwisaver turns a decade old
The government's retirement savings scheme, Kiwisaver, is now a decade old. There are now more than 2.7 million members and it has savings of more than 41 billion dollars. But that's not enough for… Audio
"They want to know why the stop bank gave way"
Sir Michael Cullen is heading an independent review into the breach of the Rangitaiki River stopbank. He says Edgecumbe residents are entitled to know whether anyone was to blame for their town being… Audio