Mihingarangi Forbes
Labour leader Hipkins to deliver state of the nation address
The Opposition leader's state of the nation address to the Auckland Business Chamber, will focus on jobs, health and homes - and a new economic team will be unveiled. Mihingarangi Forbes reports. Audio
Mata Season 3 | Episode 4: State of the Māori Nation - An extended interview with Willie Jackson
In an extended interview, Willie Jackson discusses the state of the Māori nation, including the controversial resignation of Richard Prebble from the Waitangi Tribunal. Video, Audio
Mata Season 3 | Episode 3: Waitangi Special - An interview with Mariameno Kapa-Kingi
MP for Te Tai Tokerau Mariameno Kapa-Kingi discusses Te Pāti Māori’s proposal for a treaty commissioner and the challenges facing her electorate as Ngāpuhi hosts the commemorations for the 185th… Video, Audio
Mata Season 3 | Episode 2: “A kūpapa to the kaupapa” a Mata Waitangi special with Tama Potaka and Paul Goldsmith.
Following a “tense” pōwhiri at Waitangi, Māori Development Minister Tama Potaka and Treaty Negotiations Minister Paul Goldsmith discuss the health of Māori Crown relations. Video, Audio
Mata Season 3 | Episode 1: Marama Davidson returns to Parliament
Greens co-leader Marama Davidson announces her return to mahi after breast-cancer treatment. In an exclusive interview with Mata, Davidson discusses her experience of the health system, her prognosis… Video, Audio
Mata Reports | Grief and Anger: The Unsolved Murder of Joanna Sione-Lauaki
Four months after her body was found on a Northland beach, Joanna Sione-Lauaki’s murder is unsolved. Her whānau is desperate for answers – and they want cruel rumours to stop so they can grieve.
Video, Audio
Mark Hadlow: Playing favourites in mid-life crisis
One of New Zealand's most prominent entertainers, Mark Hadlow is bringing back one of New Zealand best-loved theatre productions MAMiL (Middle Aged Men in Lycra). Audio
Everybody Eats: Feeding Bellies not Bins
Alicia Mendez is the head chef of Everybody Eats Wellington, a pay-as-you-can community restaurant on a mission to feed bellies not bins. Video, Audio
The undefinable C.W. Stoneking
Award-winning Australian singer-songwriter C.W. Stoneking is coming to New Zealand next month for a string of shows, including headlining the Auckland Folk Festival. Critics have called him the… Audio
The shake-up of the banking sector
Banks have been warned this week that "competition is king" as the government moves to improve the sector. Audio
Axe hanging over charity funding for at-risk youth
A nationwide charity, Stand Tū Māia, now has an axe hanging over its funding from Oranga Tamariki. It says Oranga Tamariki tried to cancel the $63m contract it had, to deliver services to vulnerable… Audio
Coromandel fatal shooting
The residents of Coromandel are reeling after a fatal shooting on the 309 road yesterday. Audio
Painting in Antarctica
From the vastness of ice to the raw power of swells taller than buildings, Antarctica is a landscape that is deadly as it is beautiful. In recognition of the centenary of Sir Ernest Shackleton's final… Audio, Gallery
Brotha D on creating pathways in tech
This year many traditionally stable jobs and industries have born the brunt of challenging economic times. According to the World Economic Forum, 69 million jobs will be created in the next four… Video, Audio
Put a cap on plastic: Trisia Farrelly
Efforts to secure a global treaty to cap plastic pollution failed at a meeting of almost 200 countries in Busan, South Korea, this week. Audio
Equality is a beautiful word
The outgoing Equal Employment Opportunities Commissioner Saunoamaali'i Karanina Sumeo says there's no need for anyone to be hungry or homeless. Audio
Rock-star physicist Brian Cox: Solar Systems
Professor of particle physics at the University of Manchester, Brian Cox has a new Sky TV series Solar System investigates the skies above us. Audio
Mata Season 2 | Episode 20: Andrew Little on the Treaty Principles Bill
“Insulting to everybody” - former Minister for Treaty Negotiations Andrew Little shares his views on the Treaty Principles Bill, the realignment of Te Arawhiti, the disestablishment of Te Aka Whai… Video, Audio