Concerns lack of consultation with mana whenua for boot camps
The inquiry estimated up to 200,000 people were abused in care between 1950 and 2019 and revealed that during that time, Maori survivors reported higher levels of physical abuse compared with other… Audio
Tuku Morgan on why he's so fired up
Waikato-Tainui leader Tuku Morgan tells Guyon why he's so fired about the backlash against te reo, how young Māori have the power to change the future and why he's not sorry about that underwear… Video, Audio
Political commentators Neale Jones and Tim Hurdle
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon is joining calls for de-escalation between Israel and Iran as the conflict escalates. Audio
Concern over NZ's role to protect the Pacific ocean
A climate advocate vows to hold NZ's new government to account following its plans to lift the ban on oil and gas exploration. Audio
Week in Politics: Peters' no show steals the show
Analysis - Winston Peters' no show at the talks on Tuesday created controversy and is being described as a "humiliating show of political brinkmanship", writes Peter Wilson.
Pacific flavour gone from the Beehive
Political representation from the Pasifika community has been lost in an ocean of white faces and blue suits. Does it matter? Audio
Pacific flavour gone from the Beehive
Political representation from the Pasifika community has been lost in an ocean of white faces and blue suits. Does it matter?
AudioMoney or the bag: Major parties crashing into the centre
National’s tax plan is a clever political document but raises questions about “heroic” numbers. We look at how much government spending doesn’t change and what’s up for grabs in coalition deals. Plus… Video, Audio
Political commentators Dale Husband & Tim Hurdle
Correspondents Dale Husband and Tim Hurdle join Kathryn to discuss Chris Hipkins ruling out any possibility of Labour working with New Zealand First and Winston Peters post-election - even as the… Audio
Political commentators Morton and Hughes
Gareth and Brigitte join me to talk about Labour's big week of policy announcements - we'll break them down and look at how and when they'll be paid for. We'll look at the politics of paid parental… Audio
Poll analysis unhitches itself from reality
Nothing much changed in a 1News Verian poll released on Monday. Some commentators treated the boring results as a blank canvas on which to express their creativity. Audio
Poll analysis unhitches itself from reality
Nothing much changed in a 1News Verian poll released on Monday. Some commentators treated the boring results as a blank canvas on which to express their creativity.
AudioPolitical commentators Gareth Hughes & Tim Hurdle
Political commentators Gareth Hughes and Tim Hurdle join Kathryn to talk about the latest poll which has the Greens taking a major hit and National and Act able to govern alone. Audio
How will RNZ's $25M boost be spent?
The Government has announced a twenty-five point seven million dollar boost for RNZ after scrapping the public media merger.
The funding will go towards maintaining and expanding RNZ's service… Audio
Top Stories for Wednesday 29 March 2023
Top stories this morning... Labour MP Stuart Nash has been sacked from all of his ministerial portfolios, after further revelations of Cabinet rule breaches. Greens co-leader Marama Davidson says she… Audio
Top Stories for Tuesday 28 March 2023
The Prime Minister says comments made by Greens co-leader and minister Marama Davidson were "unhelpful" In the US, at least seven people have been killed in a Tennesee school shooting Figures show the… Audio
Top Stories for Monday 27 March 2023
Top stories for Monday 27 March 2023 We have details of the return home of the body of New Zealander Kane Te tai who died fighting in Ukraine. Trans-activists say Wellington's fight-back against Posie… Audio
Top Stories for Friday 24 March 2023
Top stories for 24 March 2023 Auckland mayor Wayne Brown has pulled his council out of Local Government New Zealand. Rainbow organisations go to court to try and keep anti-trans speaker Posie Parker… Audio
Top Stories for Thursday 23 March 2023
Top stories for 23 March 2023 We look at how multinational businesses lobby our government. Auckland's economic development agency fights for more funding just as the Council gets ready to slash its… Audio
Top Stories for Wednesday 22 March 2023
Top stories for 22 March 2023. The mother of a New Zealander killed while fighting in Ukraine speaks out about her son's death. Wild weather overnight has left hundreds of homes without power on… Audio