Opdivo improves cancer patient's condition
The tumour of the first New Zealander to receive a publicly funded immunotherapy drug for melanoma has shrunk dramatically. Audio
Man's tumour shrinks significantly following Opdivo
Barry Hawes was the first person in New Zealand to receive the immunotheraphy drug Opdivo for free. That was in July and in the three months since his tumour has shrunk significantly. Video, Audio
Melanoma patient Jeffrey Patterson dies
Melanoma patient Jeffrey Patterson spoke to Checkpoint earlier this year as he prepared to take a petition to Parliament calling for an immunotherapy drug to be funded. He died on Saturday night. Video, Audio
Life-saving melanoma drug rollout to cost DHBs 'millions'
District health boards face costs of more than $1 million to deliver long-awaited new melanoma drugs to patients.
Pharmac explains Keytruda deal timing
Pharmac's decision to fund a new - and expensive - drug for advanced melanoma was based on new trial research released in the last few months, it says. Video
Advanced melanoma patient receives Keytruda infusion
From today, patients with advanced melanoma will be able to access two publicly funded immunotherapy treatments - Opdivo and Keytruda, including Aucklander Barry Hawes. Video, Audio
Melanoma patients seek early funded access to Opdivo
Anxious patients with advanced melanoma are pushing for temporary access to the drug Opdivo while awaiting long-term decisions. Audio
Cancer society expects melanoma drug Opdivo to be approved
Many say yesterday's announcement was primarily in response to public pressure over new generation melanoma drugs. Pharmac yesterday announced funding for Opdivo, an advanced melanoma drug in the same… Audio
Kathryn Williams discusses Pharmac's Opdivo announcement
Pharmac announced today it intends funding immunotherapy drug Opdivo for 350 patients with advanced melanoma from July. Video, Audio
Melanoma patient discusses Opdivo funding
Melanoma patient Leisa Renwick led a campaign to get an immunotherapy drug funded in New Zealand. She joins Checkpoint to discuss Pharmac's funding of Opdivo. Audio
Patients emotional as funding for new melanoma drug nears
Pharmac announced that it would be funding immunotherapy drug Opdivo from July to treat lung cancer and advanced melanoma. Audio