Rahui Papa
Hīkoi mō te Tiriti continues south through Waikato-Tainui
The hīkoi mo te Tiriti sets off from Huntly on Thursday, gathering people on the way to Parliament. Kiingitanga spokesperson Rahui Papa spoke to Ingrid Hipkiss. Audio
Tongans vow to uphold Kiingi Tuheitia's vision for whales
The residents of the Tonga island group of Vava'u, are promising to honour the late Maori King's call for whales to be given personhood. Audio
Politicians arrive Turangawaewae Marae for Koroneihana
Mess with our mokopuna and we will not sit quietly - this was a key message delivered to the Prime Minister as politicians decended on Turangawaewae Marae in Ngāruawāhia for Koroneihana. The… Audio
Midday Report Essentials for Thursday 15 August 2024
On today's episode, disability support providers say the sector fought long and hard to get its own ministry to improve the lives of disabled people, and gutting it is not the answer to funding… Audio
Huge crowd expected in Ngāruawāhia for Koroneihana celebration
A week-long celebration of the coronation of the Māori monarch, Koroneihana begins on Thursday in Ngāruawāhia. Te Kiingitanga spokesperson Rahui Papa spoke to Charlotte Cook. Audio
Data Iwi Leaders Group wants expanded role in census
Te Kahui Raraunga - the Data Iwi Leaders Group - want to expand its role in the census, after a successful trial in parts of Northland, Gisborne and the eastern Bay of Plenty. The group's chair Rahui… Audio
Non-acknowledgement of Kiingitanga by NZ delegation offensive
Te Pati Māori is questioning whether the High Commissioner to the UK's lack of recognition for the Kiingitanga was a simple faux pas.
The High Commissioner to the UK, Phil Goff, offended Kiingi… Audio
Census Day arrives, with hopes it will be better than the last
It's Census Day - and time to fill in your form if you haven't already done so.
The last big count in 2018 was roundly criticised for having the lowest response rate in 50 years, particularly among… Audio
The Week in Detail: ADHD, protests, an inland port
The Detail podcast brings you the issues behind the news every weekday. Here's what we covered this week. Audio
Ruakura Superhub: Building Aotearoa's largest inland port
"In 20 years, it will be the epicentre of logistics in the North Island." Audio
Governor: the story of Sir George Grey - Part 2
In the second of Black Sheep's two part episode on Sir George Grey, Aotearoa is launched into the worst conflicts of the New Zealand Wars. For more on the Waikato War, watch and listen to Stories of… Audio
Podcast | NZ Wars - Stories of Tainui | Episode 3
The war on Waikato reaches its climactic conclusion at the Battle of Ooraakau—but that's just the beginning of the struggle for Kiingitanga. Audio
NZ Wars: Stories of Tainui
A new documentary with accompanying podcast casts fresh light on a campaign in the New Zealand Wars. NZ Wars: Stories of Tainui is the third part of a series produced for RNZ by Great Southern… Audio
Podcast | NZ Wars - Stories of Tainui | Episode 2
Governor George Grey launches his invasion of Waikato. Kiingitanga forces are heavily outnumbered and outgunned, but the invasion doesn't go smoothly for the British. Audio
Extended Interviews | NZ Wars: Stories of Tainui
Extended interviews with tribal historians Rahui Papa, Tom Roa, Brad Totorewa, Mamae Takerei, and Kawhia Muraahi. Also, acclaimed historian Dr. Vincent O’Malley. Video
Documentary | NZ Wars: Stories of Tainui
NZ Wars: Stories of Tainui is the third compelling chapter in RNZ’s award-winning documentary project on the New Zealand Wars. Available to watch in 4K. Video
Podcast | NZ Wars - Stories of Tainui | Episode 1
Through the 1840s and '50s, Waikato Maaori had been close allies of Paakehaa settlers living in Auckland—so why did the war break out between the two factions in 1863? Audio
Auckland Council grilled by WaterCare over water shortage
Auckland Council has today been grilling its own water company, Watercare, over the management of the region's water shortage.
At a council meeting this morning, Watercare said the city is… Audio
Coronavirus: Tangi rules relaxed
Government ministers were forced into a climbdown over tangi and funeral rules which initially restricted attendees to a maximum of ten people at a time.
It is now set at 50 people, but the funeral… Audio
Mana whenua not keen for council to own Ihumātao
Mana whenua of Ihumātao are disappointed and seriously displeased to hear the Crown might help Auckland Council buy the contested land.
Sources have told RNZ the Crown is considering lending $40… Audio