ISIS sympathisers talked out of action
Security expert Dr Paul Buchanan joins the Panel to discuss if the people spoken to by NZ authorities really can be talked out of joining ISIS. Audio
More suspected terrorists being monitored.
The director of the Security Intelligence Service has warned more people, not fewer, are being monitored because of their links to Islamic State. Audio
SIS says service careful not to unfairly target Muslims
The director of the Security Intelligence Service says it is careful not to unfairly target Muslims as it monitors people with links to Islamic State. Audio
Spying on ourselves - A panel discussion
A couple of weeks back we took a look at the ethics of spying on your friends and neighbours, today we're exploring the ethics of spying on ourselves. Keith Locke is a former Green MP whose SIS file… Audio
Religious groups urging Govt to properly consult Muslims
Religious groups are urging the Government to make sure it properly consults with the Muslim community this year before making further changes to the country's spy laws. Audio
Outspoken - Privacy vs Security
Demelza Leslie asks if New Zealanders will have to give up their right to privacy to keep safe. Audio
Parliament goes into urgency to debate new anti terrorism laws
Parliament has gone into urgency to pass new anti-terrorism laws. Audio
An uneasy truce on anti-terror bill
Power Play with Jane Patterson - The two main political parties have settled on an uneasy truce over anti-terror legislation that significantly expands the spy agency's powers.
John Key strikes a deal with Labour over the new terror laws
The government has a struck a deal with Labour over new anti-terror laws. Audio
Key says he wants labour's support for Bill.
The Prime Minister has signalled the Government is prepared to make changes to its anti-terrorism legislation to get the backing of Labour. Audio
Select committee putting final touches on spy bill
The Prime Minister has signalled the Government is prepared to make changes to its anti-terrorism legislation in an effort to win the support of the Labour Party. Audio
Politics with Mike Williams and Matthew Hooton
Political commentators Mike Williams and Matthew Hooton on the continuing pressure on John Key in what is being called textgate, Andrew Little's successful first week at the helm of Labour. Audio
Political editor on PM's relationship with Cameron Slater
Our political editor Brent Edwards is with us. Audio
Fresh political week unlikely to bring relief for John Key
Prime Minister John Key is facing another week of questions over his relationship with controversial blogger Cameron Slater following the release last week of the SIS watchdog's report showing links… Audio
Focus on Politics for 28 November 2014
The Prime Minister, John Key, is on the defensive after an inquiry by the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security, Cheryl Gwyn, found his office fed information from the SIS to rightwing… Audio
POWER PLAY with Brent Edwards
Power Play with Brent Edwards - The Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security apparently wrote two reports into the SIS release of information embarrassing to former Labour Party leader Phil…
Midday News for 28 November 2014
John Banks is granted a new trial. Convicted murderer, Phillip John Smith returns to New Zealand tomorrow. Audio
Can the Prime Minister brush off latest controversy?
It's been a difficult week for the Prime Minister, John Key, who's copped a lot of flak from opposition parties and the media. Audio
Former GCSB director critical of new terrorist fighters law
Listening to that is Sir Bruce Ferguson is a former director of the GCSB. Audio
MPs warned new anti-terror laws allow fishing expeditions
MPs have been warned tough new anti-terror legislation would allow spies the extraordinary power to go on fishing expeditions for information. Audio