Spy Scandal: the story of Dr Bill Sutch
On 27 September 1974 New Zealanders woke to the news Dr Bill Sutch, a famous economist, historian, and former senior government official had been arrested and accused of spying for Soviet Russia. He… Audio
Nicola Saker: Why my Dad became an 'enemy of the state'
The current issue of North and South magazine tells the fascinating story - under the headline "Enemies of the State?" - of Dorian Saker and some of his classmates falling under suspicion as suspected… Audio
SIS spy agency's deal to use CCTV set up under outdated laws
The Security Intelligence Service has been using a deal set up under outdated laws to surveil people on closed circuit TV or CCTV cameras in Auckland for years.
Andrew Little defends SIS boss after select committee
Minister Andrew Little has vigorously defended SIS head Rebecca Kitteridge following her appearance in front of the Select Committee today.
Ms Kitteridge has been questioned by Parliament's… Audio
Vanuatu links could have put notorious offender on SIS radar
A notorious sex offender in NZ may have caught the attention of the country's Special Intelligence Service because of his links with and time spent in Vanuatu. Audio
06: New Revelations
Guyon and John break radio silence with new revelations about SIS operations, the reactions from Iran and India and news about surveillance of one of New Zealand's most renowned writers. And Guyon… Audio
Bonus: More Raids Confirmed
More raids. More embassies. More breaking of international law. Ongoing investigations have uncovered other break-ins by New Zealand's SIS to bug and steal from embassies in Wellington, teaming up… Audio
05: The Raid
In the final episode, we close in on the details around the joint MI6/SIS operation targeting the Czechoslovakian Embassy. Finally, someone who was on the raid breaks their silence. But there’s a… Audio
04: The Club
The Five Eyes is an intelligence alliance with roots that go all the way back to World War II. It’s a tight club – but just what does membership demand of us? Audio
03: A Full Court Press from the KGB
In the mid-1980s, New Zealand's anti-nuclear policy is attracting international attention. With the ANZUS alliance in crisis, the KGB see an opportunity. Audio
02: The Wilderness of Mirrors
New Zealand has Cold War spy stories we know about - and some we don't. Even now, it's hard to get people to talk. The big question is: who do you trust? Audio
01: One Night in Wadestown
On his 10th birthday, John Daniell's Mum tells him she used to work for the SIS. But that's just the start of the secrets… Audio
SIS apologises to Nicky Hager for unlawfully actions
The NZ Security Intelligence Service has apologised to investigative journalist Nicky Hager for unlawfully acquiring months of call logs for his phone. Audio
Insight: Christchurch Attacks - Are intelligence agencies watching the right people?
The Christchurch mosque attacks have prompted claims the security agencies have wielded their powers in skewed and unfair ways. Have resources been wasted surveilling Muslims and virtually ignoring… Audio
White powder sent to spy agencies' building in Wellington
Police say they have now dealt with a suspicious white powder found at the Government Communications Security Bureau in Wellington.
GCSB head: There was no pressure to deny Huawei
GCSB head Andrew Hampton has denied coming under political or diplomatic pressure to reject Spark's proposal to partner with Chinese telecom firm Huawei to rollout 5G here. Political Editor Jane… Audio
SIS 'very intrusive' in some requests for bank customer info
When the SIS used voluntary disclosure requests to banks for customers' information, the voluntary aspect wasn't always made clear, the agency watchdog found.
Spy watchdog completes probe into CIA rendition
The Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security has finished a draft report on whether New Zealand was involved in the CIA's rendition programme.
SIS investigate dealings with Thompson and Clark
The Security Intelligence Service has launched an internal investigation over concerns about biased and unprofessional dealings between staff and controversial security firm Thompson and Clark. Audio
Hipkins demands answers on spies, govt relationship
The integrity of the entire public service is under scrutiny after revelations about the close relationship between a private security firm Thompson and Clark and the SIS and the Ministry for Primary… Audio