Tariana Turia
No confidence in Ardern - Dame Tariana Turia
Former Labour Party MP Dame Tariana Turia says she has no confidence in Jacinda Ardern and says her government's treatment of the Protestors at parliament is an abuse of its powers. Audio
Dame Tariana's smokefree goal closer to realisation
Dame Tariana Turia's goal to make New Zealand smokefree by 2025 is creeping closer with the launch of today's Smokefree Aotearoa 2025 Action Plan. The latest move prevents 14 year olds from legally… Audio
Should the Greens work with Labour in government?
Labour and the Greens are meeting again today to thrash out areas they can cooperate on in government.
With Labour holding an election night majority the Greens aren't needed in a formal coalition… Audio
National reshuffle doesn't solve diversity problem
National leader Todd Muller has brought Simon Bridges back into the fold - giving him the foreign affairs portfolio he was after - however he's kept him low in the party rankings. Mr Muller announced… Audio
National Party facing controversy over white front bench
The Opposition has become embroiled in debate about its new look under new leadership - a startlingly white line-up on the party's front bench.
This week's reshuffle resulted in no Maori MPs in the… Audio
National Party gave up on attracting Māori voters - Turia
A founder of the Māori Party, Dame Tariana Turia says it looks as if National has given up trying to attract Māori voters.
The new Opposition Leader Todd Muller is under fire for putting only white… Audio
Matangireia | Season 1 | Trailer
Matangireia examines the legacies of six former Māori politicians from across the political spectrum, who share frank insights with series host Morgan Godfery. Video, Audio
Matangireia | Season 1 | Episode 2: Dame Tariana Turia
In 2004, Dame Tariana Turia voted against her own government's foreshore and seabed legislation before resigning from Parliament and returning as the Māori Party co-leader. Video, Audio
Meth-test compensation should be considered - Dame Tariana
Dame Tariana Turia thinks there may need to be compensation for the people who have been kicked out of state homes because of meth testing that may have been baseless. She says the evictions because… Audio
Calls for govt to fund more gastric bypass surgeries
Dame Tariana Turia is among a chorus of voices calling for the Government to fund more gastric bypass surgeries after National's Paula Bennett revealed she went private to have the operation. Audio
Ousted Māori Party considers next steps
Māori Party leaders blame themselves for the movement's ousting from Parliament, party founder Dame Tariana Turia says. Audio
'No independent Māori voice in Parliament' - Dame Tariana
How will the Māori Party make its way back into Parliament in 2020 after Labour swept all seven of the Māori seats? The party was ousted from Parliament after Te Ururoa Flavell lost the Waiariki seat… Audio
Waitangi Rua Rautau Lectures 2017
The Honourable Dame Tariana Turia, former Cabinet Minister and founder of the Maori Party, and Dr Gareth Morgan, economist and founder of the Opportunities Party, present the 2017 Waitangi Rua Rautau… Audio
Waitangi Rua Rautau Lectures 2017
The 2017 Waitangi Rua Rautau lecturers delivered by the former Cabinet Minister and founder of the Maori Party Dame Tariana Turia and Dr Gareth Morgan, economist and Founder of the Opportunities… Audio
Te Waonui for week ending Friday 16 September 2016
The Government's relationship with the Maori Party is under pressure after the Maori Fisheries Commission announced it was heading to court to oppose the Kermadec Ocean Sanctuary legislation and the… Audio
Call for institutional racism investigation
Former government minister Dame Tariana Turia is calling for an investigation into institutional racism in the public sector.
Call for institutional racism inquiry
Dame Tariana Turia is calling for an investigation into institutional racism in the public sector. Audio
Tariana Turia supports Helen Clark's UN bid
The Maori Party might not support Helen Clark's bid for the UN's top job, but it's former leader Tariana Turia says she would "do a great job". Video, Audio
Old pub to house homeless in Kaitaia
An old Kaitaia hotel has been renovated as an emergency shelter for homeless families in the Far North. He Korowai Trust has installed every service a whanau in trouble could need. Lois Williams… Audio
Maori Party in re-building phase
The Maori Party is confident it will be ready in time for next year's election, despite being in what it calls a re-building phase. Our political reporter Mei Heron has the details. Audio