Waitakere Ranges
The Week in Detail: Taxes, kauri, and Peter Ellis
The Detail podcast brings you the issues behind the news every weekday. Here's what we covered this week. Audio
The Week in Detail: Taxes, kauri, and Peter Ellis
The Detail podcast brings you the issues behind the news every weekday. Here's what we covered this week.
AudioKauri: The fightback against dieback
Kauri dieback disease is killing our giants of the forest - are we any closer to a cure? Audio
Kauri: The fightback against dieback
Kauri dieback disease is killing our giants of the forest - are we any closer to a cure?
AudioDonna Kerridge: Putting Papatūānuku First
For Donna Kerridge the Waitakere ranges are the 'lungs' of Auckland and it needs to be looked after, as a practitioner of Rongoā Māori she says everyone needs to be responsible for the taiao. Audio
Rules to help prevent Kauri dieback spread being flouted
Outdoor enthusiasts will have more tracks to choose from in Auckland's Waitakere Ranges this summer but the battle to keep the deadly kauri dieback disease at bay goes on. In 2017, the council closed… Audio
Waitākere woes: Re-open plan fails to impress public
Auckland Council's proposed plans to re-open access to the Waitakere Ranges haven't gone down well with the public. Areas of the park were closed to prevent the spread of kauri dieback and the Council… Audio
Iconic Waitākere track may reopen this summer
Auckland council has been doing major work to protect against the spread of Kauri dieback diesease. Video, Audio
Auckland Council called on to do more to protect Waitakere ranges
A conservation group has discovered Waitakere ranges tracks that should be closed to the public due to Kauri dieback disease, are still open. It's also calling on Auckland Council to secretly film and… Video, Audio
Popular Waitakere Ranges tracks reopen
Two popular tracks in the Waitakere Ranges are open again today after work to prevent the spread of kauri dieback.
Most of Waitakere forest closed from today
Visitors to two of Auckland's favourite nature playgrounds - the Waitakere and Hunua Ranges - can now expect to see wire fences blocking routes, new caution signs, and compulsory hygiene stations at… Video, Audio
Akld Council votes to close more of the Waitakere Ranges
Most of Auckland's Waitakere Ranges will be closed off to the public from next month, a move welcomed by many but some businesses say it will force them to close. Video, Audio
West Auckland locals react to Waitakere Ranges closure
The entire forested area of Auckland's Waitakere Ranges will be closed to the public by May to try to halt the spread of kauri dieback. Video, Audio
Entire forested area of Waikatere Ranges to be closed by May
The decision follows months of criticism after the council narrowly voted in December not to fully close the regional park to respect a rahui imposed by the local iwi, Te Kawerau a Maki. Audio
Scientist sceptical of council kauri dieback treatment
Auckand Council is expanding trials of a treatment for kauri dieback in the Waitakere Ranges but sceptics say it won't stop the devastating tree disease. Audio
Council apologises for rāhui-breaking message
Auckland Council's tourism body has been left red-faced after promoting a Waitakere ranges track on social media despite a rāhui in place for the area.
Auckland Council promotes Waitakere walk despite rahui
Auckland Council has been left red faced after promoting a Waitakere ranges track on social media despite the local iwi placing a rahui, or ban, on the area. A post on the council tourism body's… Audio
Teens drown in Waitakere flash flood
A teenage boy had been clinging to foliage in fast flowing floodwaters in the Waitakere Ranges for up to two hours before he was rescued on Saturday evening. Intensive care paramedic Russell Clark was… Audio
West Auckland mourns teens drowned in Waitakere river
A West Auckland community is in mourning after two teenagers died in a flash flood in the Waitakere Ranges. The 17-year-olds were swimming with a group of friends when they were swept away in a sudden… Audio
Police name two teens who died in swollen stream
Two teenagers who died after being swept away by a rain-swollen stream near Cascade Falls have been named by police.