West Papua Indonesia
Jakarta pardons disguise increased military presence in Papua - activists
Indonesia's new president Prabowo Subianto has revealed plans to pardon as many as 44,000 convicts - about a third of the country's prison population.
Papuan activist dies in apparent diving incident in Jayapura
Filep Karma, the most prominent pro-independence Papuan activist to have been imprisoned in Indonesia has died in an apparent diving incident in Jayapura, Papua.
Six Indonesian soldiers suspected of killing four Papuans
Authorities have arrested six Indonesian soldiers suspected of being involved in the killing and mutilation of four Indigenous Papuans in Indonesia's West Papua province.
West Papua conflict deepens, questions over regional response
Armed conflict in West Papua continues to claim lives, displace tens of thousands of people and cause resentment at Indonesian rule.
Events to raise West Papua flag take place across Pacific
Events are taking place today around the region to mark the 60th anniversary of when West Papuans first raised their nationalist flag.
Two deaths in Jayapura linked to covid-19
Indonesian media is reporting that two people who were confirmed cases of Covid-19 have died in the West Papuan capital Jayapura in recent days.
Australia urges restraint in West Papua amid ongoing violence
Australia's government has urged restraint by all relevant parties in West Papua amid ongoing unrest in the Indonesian ruled region.