Bad batch of fungicide ruining apple crops - grower
A bad batch of fungicide has ruined apples in the Nelson region and some fruit will be destroyed instead of exported, a grower says.
Good Growers
Marian and Graham Hirst started growing applies 28 years ago. They've had a good 2016, winning a number of business awards, but it hasn't always been easy on their Hawkes Bay orchard. Audio, Gallery
Food with Paul Paynter
Paul Paynter is the 5th generation manager of Hawkes Bay family business the Yummy Fruit Company. As a bumper apple crop is being harvested about now, Paul talks to Kathryn Ryan about new varieties… Audio
How do you like them apples? - Food prices soar in January
The cost of food has had its largest monthly jump in nearly eight years, led by record apples prices.
Piqa Boo! What’s new in apples and pears
NZ growers are snapping up the newest apple on the block, Dazzle, and Piqa Boo, a new pear variety that combines the best of the East and West. Audio
Willow pest moving on to new tasty delights
The potentially devastating giant willow aphid is moving to other hosts as well, including apple trees.
The Apple of the World
The World Apple Report has ranked New Zealand's apple industry as the world's most competitive for the second year in a row. Audio
Hawke's Bay orchardists desperate for labour
Hawke's Bay orchards have been hit by a major labour shortage, apple growers say.
Scales upgrades FY net profit forecast by as much as 77%
The apple producer, Scales, has upgraded its full year bottom line profit guidance by as much as 77 percent, with all divisions delivering well ahead of the prospectus forecast. Audio
'Orchard in a box' - using GM to breed better apples
A greenhouse that is also a strict containment facility allows scientists to experimentally add apple genes to apple trees to speed up the breeding of new varieties Audio
First Fruit
Charlie Owen's fruit is ready a few weeks ahead of most other Hawkes Bay orchards, He grows apples, nectarines, apricots, peaches and plums for the domestic market in a micro-climate a few kilometres… Audio
Apples in a Tin
Blocks of new apple trees have been planted in the Wairoa region...but none of the locals or even people overseas will get to crunch on them. The plantings are part of a new venture for fruit and… Audio
Healthier fruit and veggies
Mark Christensen of the Heritage Food Crops Research Trust is rediscovering healthier fruit and vegetables among heirloom varieties forgotten by the modern food production system. Audio
Cider: history and making
Its apple harvest and cider sales are booming, so busy times to be a cider-maker. The British beer writer Pete Brown gives us the drink's long and fascinating history. Then we pay a visit to local… Audio
Apples to India
Guhan Ramachandran is exporting New Zealand apples to India and selling them to a commercial market trader in Chennai. Audio
Te Kupu o te Wiki: āporo - apple
The Māori word of the week is: āporo - apple. Tapatapahia ngā āporo. Slice the apples. Audio
Food: Cider making and cooking with cider with Caroline Peckham
Caroline and Alex Peckham are traditional cider makers. Their English-style ciders are made from heritage cider apples grown on the family orchard in the Moutere Valley, Nelson. Recipes for pumpkin… Audio
Chicken with Cider Casserole
Recipe by Caroline Peckham
From Nine To Noon on Monday 9 June 2014