Big Data
Tim Dare: ethics in genetics and big data
CRISPR gene editing lets scientists co-opt the immune system of bacteria and use it as a tool - a pair of microscopic "scissors" - to edit the DNA of living organisms, up to and including us. It… Audio
Your big election listens from RNZ Insight
A selection of Insight podcasts investigating the big issues this election. Audio
Your vote - caught in the web
Social media and big data companies are harvesting and vast amounts of information from users' online profiles to increase the effectiveness of political advertising. Adam Bennett explores how this… Video, Audio
Social cooling: toning down online behaviour
When the world wide web spread its tendrils into our homes a few decades ago, observers and sociologists noticed people becoming disinhibited in these virtual spaces: you could say and do what you… Audio, Gallery
Govt backtracks on data-for-funding proposal
Social service providers will no longer need to hand over the private details of their clients to the government until a new data protection policy is in place.
MSD rush caused privacy breach - critics
The government's rush to bring in a new data-gathering policy could have caused a serious privacy breach, the Privacy Commissioner says.
Twenty years on from Deep Blue v.s Kasparov
World champion chess player Gary Kasparov lost to a computer in 1997, the computer named 'Deep Blue' won the match and paved the way for computers to be seen as capable of outsmarting humans. Kasparov… Audio
Rape Crisis reject "data-for-funding" contracts
Rape Crisis groups say they will refuse to accept contracts with the Ministry of Social Development if it insists on making them hand over private information about clients in exchange for funding. As… Audio
Ministry responds to privacy concerns
Yesterday Nine to Noon spoke to Brenda Pilott from ComVoices about concerns from many in the NGO sector about the Ministry for Social Development requiring them to provide the private details of their… Audio
Privacy Commission investigates data-for-funding proposal
Sexual violence and counselling services are among groups from which the government is demanding private client information in exchange for funding. Audio
10 years of social investment in Denmark
Michael Rosholm is a visiting expert in social investment from Denmark who's in New Zealand to give advice on how to best target social interventions to give the biggest bang for buck. Audio
New technology with Paul Matthews
How big a role did big data play in Donald Trump's election? Audio
Private eye: Big data, big questions
The Five Eyes spy alliance and government privacy breaches have turned a spotlight on how the government is using New Zealanders' data, but as Kate Newton reports, the private sector is interested in…
Privacy legislation lagging behind technology
Privacy advocates say recommended law changes have been in limbo for so long they've now been out-stripped by advances in technology. Kate Newton investigates. Audio
Private eye: Big data, big questions
New Zealand’s involvement in the Five Eyes spy alliance and government privacy breaches have turned a spotlight on how the government is using big data – but as Kate Newton reports, the private sector… Video
Big tech companies lock up health data
New wearable technologies and smartphones are sweeping up ever greater amounts of health information in real time and big tech companies are swiftly moving to find ways to turn that data into profit… Audio
Expert explores Big Data
In the wake of the Ashley Madison hacking scandal the idea of 'big data' has become a big worry for many people. Dr Barry Devlin discusses the situation. Audio
Social physics, big data and reality mining
Alex "Sandy" Pentland has been named as one of the world's top data scientists and he advises some huge companies on how to create a happier and more productive workplace. We chat to him about big… Audio
Big Data: Open Data
There is a growing awareness that facilitating access to data encourages collaborative science and knowledge advancement. How far are we willing to go in this direction and what are some of the… Audio
Big Data: From Space to Place
The first discussion panel of the Big Data series considers the questions: what makes a place? How is place imbued with personal and communal meaning? How do urbanisation and globalisation affect… Audio