Low-carb diet could stave off brain degeneration
A study out of Stony Brook University has found cognitive ageing starts earlier than expected. That's the bad news. The good news is that it looks like this process can be prevented - or even reversed… Audio
How to change your habits? Start very small
Forget thinking big. Behaviour scientist Dr. BJ Fogg says we should instead be thinking small and introducing tiny behaviours. Video, Audio
Does free will truly exist?
Dr Hannah Critchlow is a neuroscientist at the University of Cambridge. Her debut book, 'The Science of Fate: Why Your Future is More Predictable Than You Think' examines how much of our life is… Audio
Why trigger warnings don't help
Advocates for trigger warnings have made strong claims about their benefits, but Dr Christian Jarrett has studied a wealth of research and doesn't think we are able to brace ourselves emotionally when… Audio
A good blood supply is good for memory
Science commentator Malvindar Singh-Bains joins Kathryn to talk about how memory performance and other cognitive abilities benefit from a good blood supply to the brain. A recent study suggests that… Audio
How melodic alarms could reduce morning grogginess
The sounds you wake up to could be affecting how groggy and clumsy you are in the morning, according to new research. RMIT University doctoral researcher Stuart McFarlane was lead author of the… Audio
William Gibson: Why our 'now' is getting shorter and shorter
William Gibson has imagined the near future more convincingly than anyone else for four decades now. His latest sci-fi thriller, Agency, is a book with both feet placed firmly in the future that will… Audio
Can wireless earbuds damage your brain?
Joel Moskowitz, a researcher at the University of California, says the close proximity of AirPods to the brain and inner ear may raise cancer risks But Australian professor Ken Karapidis says they… Audio
How does our genetic heritage influence our psychological traits
How responsible is the genetic cocktail we receive from our parents for shaping our moral compass? Neurogeneticist Professor Kevin Mitchell from Trinity College Dublin joins the show to discuss. Audio
How you are 'brainwashed' while you sleep
New research out of Boston University's Department of Biomedical Engineering shows that our brains are actually taking a bath in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) while we are in a deep sleep, cleaning away… Audio
Why it's time for the CAPS LOCK key to die
How many times have you been typing with serious intent without watching the screen, only to realise you've had the caps lock key on? Writer Daniel Colin James is arguing the case that the caps lock… Audio
How old is your brain?
Science correspondent Malvindar Singh-Bains joins Kathryn to discuss whether your brain is aging faster than you. Machine-learning tools can be used in combination with MRI data to predict how well… Audio
Yes, wisdom and happiness really do come with age
Dilip Jeste is a professor of psychiatry and neuroscience at UC San Diego and director of the UCSD Center for Healthy Aging, and he's challenging people to take another look at their perceptions of… Audio
How daydreams help shape our sense of self
Psychologist Eve Blouin-Hudon is an expert on creativity and imagination at Carleton University in Ottawa and has studied daydreams at length. Audio
Should hypnosis be used to convict criminals?
US law enforcement has been using 'forensic hypnosis' for decades to help solve crimes and also send people to death row, despite claims that it is nothing more than junk science. Dr. David Spiegel… Audio
Our Changing World for 10 October 2019
A psychology professor talks about men getting older & why they become less able to recognise other's emotions, and the element rubidium. Audio
The Importance of Sleep and how to Maximise your Brain Health
Tired seems to be the default setting for many of us these days. But when that feeling can't be fixed with a good night's sleep, it tips over into fatigue. Audio
Professor Lora Heisler: Key to solving obesity lies in the brain
Newly-released research has revealed a way to harness the target of the brain chemical serotonin to combat the obesity (and related diabetes) epidemic Professor Lora Heisler joins the show to discuss… Audio
'The Beautiful Brain': head injuries and sport
'The Beautiful Brain' (Audible) is a series about the brain and how it gets affected by the sports we play. The show focusses on the degenerative brain condition called CTE (short for chronic… Audio
Tomas Matthews: The key to getting people on the dance floor
What makes people jump to their feet and on to the dance floor? Tomas Matthews from Concordia University's department of psychology researched just that. Video, Audio