Can you separate out mental from physical health?
A neuroscientist at Cambridge University is challenging traditional concepts that illnesses divide into either mental or physical. Audio
The Week in Detail: El Niño, The Voice, and community gardens
The Detail podcast brings you the issues behind the news every weekday. Here's what we covered this week. Audio
Hope and false hope for Alzheimer's sufferers
Scientists have worked out how brain cells die in Alzheimer's disease, but there's caution over starting the celebrations just yet. Audio
How road traffic noise affects children's cognitive development
Traffic noise at schools has a detrimental effect on the development and working memory and attention in primary school students, new research out of Barcelona has found. Researcher Maria Foraster led… Audio
Why you end up crying, even when you're not sad
Ever found yourself with tears running down your cheeks after a seemingly minor incident or experience? It's probably just a result of your prefrontal cortex becoming overwhelmed, like a computer… Audio
How your mindset can change your world
David Robson's new book, The Expectation Effect, sets out to help people harness the mind-body connection that can improve their lives. Robson discusses the role the brain plays in both expectations… Audio
Why 'forgetting' is actually a new form of learning
It's a commonly-held belief that forgetting things is the first sign of a slippery slide into cognitive decline. However, researchers at Trinity College Dublin and the University of Toronto now argue… Audio
Why 'forgetting' is actually a new form of learning
Researchers at Trinity College Dublin and the University of Toronto now believe that 'forgetting' is actually a form of learning that helps our brains access more important information. Professor… Audio
Why our bones are a lot more than just scaffolding
As part of the musculoskeletal system, our bones work with muscles and joints to hold our body together and support movement. But our bones do so much more than provide support for our body. Professor… Audio
Could understanding the power of food texture help us eat healthier?
The way ice crystals can kill the enjoyment of ice cream demonstrates the crucial role of texture in our experience of food, says scientist Yvonne Kuiper. Although we know texture is at least equally… Audio
Frontal Fatigue: how technology is overstressing our brain
In his trailblazing new book, Frontal Fatigue: The Impact of Modern Life and Technology on Mental Illness, Dr Mark Rego examines why mental illness and stress are skyrocketing alongside technology. Audio
Why your memory is better than you think
Dr Anne Unkenstein is a neuropsychologist and author of the book Memory-wise: How memory works and what to do when it doesn't. She's with us to look at misremembering and why our memory isn't… Audio
How brain magnets can help relieve depression
Depression is the leading cause of disability around the world, with World Health Organisation global estimates suggesting that 5% of adults worldwide suffer in some way. Around half of those people… Audio
How carrying a tune can lead to better health
We've all seen the incredibly positive social impacts of people taking to their balconies, windows, and rooftops to sing to one another during the pandemic. But there are health benefits to singing as… Audio
How to prevent kids from developing addictions
New York Times bestselling author Jessica Lahey is a mother, a teacher in a drug and alcohol centre for adolescents, and a recovering alcoholic with a strong family history of addiction. Jessica… Audio
Brain stories - Parkinsons disease & perceiving masked emotions
Claire Concannon learns about experiments aimed at slowing Parkinson's Disease progression. Sonia Yee explores research into our perception of emotions in a mask-filled world. Audio
How fruit and veg may reduce risk of cognitive decline
A new study that followed 80,000 middle-aged people for more than 20 years has found that those who consumed the most flavonoids significantly reduce the risk of experiencing early signs of cognitive… Audio
Why life may indeed really begin at 40
You might be at the stage of your life where you think you peaked in your 20's and are now enduring a decline, but science journalist David Robson explains the Seven Primes of Life and why turning 40… Audio
How quitting maths can affect teens' brains
Nnew research out of the University of Oxford shows that quitting maths at age 16 may have an adverse effect on brain development. Professor Roi Cohen Kadosh is the senior author of the study. Audio
Our Changing World - Designing a pressure sensor for the brain
A team at the Auckland Bioengineering Institute is working on what they hope will be the first New Zealand designed Class 3 medical device – a pressure sensor for the brain, to help people with… Audio