Circadian Rhythm
Could mouth taping solve your snoring problem?
Dreaming of taping a snorer’s mouth shut? Struggling to snooze? Stacey Morrison finds out if mouth taping, sleep syncing and the latest apps and technology could be the secret to getting a good… Audio
Are we underslept because we start work too early?
A sleep expert says the working day needs to be changed as it's akin to torture for a sleep-deprived society. Dr Paul Kelley from the Sleep and Circadian Neuroscience Institute at Oxford University… Audio
Shining a light on our biological clock
Guy Warman, at the University of Auckland, explores how anaesthesia affects the body's biological clock and whether light therapy could help reduce sleep disruption post surgery. Audio
Shining a light on our biological clock
Guy Warman, at the University of Auckland, explores how anaesthesia affects the body's biological clock and whether light therapy could help reduce sleep disruption post surgery.