Cultural Practices
A Boy Called Mohi
Six year old Mohi – who is originally from Syria – has had a life filled with challenges. His story is retold in a series of children's storybooks produced by the Make Foundation and the children of… Audio, Gallery
Child of Syria: Katia's story
Katia Rostem Agha and her parents fled Syria in 2012 to escape government security forces. Now settled in Wellington her story is retold in a series of children’s story books. Video, Audio, Gallery
Hate speech vs Freedom of speech
Incidents like the attack in Huntly on Muslim woman Mehpara Khan and the case of Wellington College boys inciting rape on social media are prompting debate around the rights to freedom of speech. The… Audio
Facing death in Colombia to life in NZ
Daniel Gamboa is 22, an actor, son, humanitarian, student, young leader and former refugee. In 2006 Daniel and his mother fled Colombia when rebels threated to kill the then 12-year-old boy because… Audio, Gallery
Break Free - a lifeline for ethnic youth
"Break Free", a practical handbook for migrant and refugee youth breaking free from family violence has just been published by the Shakti Youth Unit. It was inspired by young women from our ethnic… Audio, Gallery
Stars: Dreaming in music
New Zealand musicians collaborated with a world-renowned artist recently on both ancient and modern compositions in a wild ‘science experiment’. Audio, Gallery
Children discover Chinese dance
They've performed over 40 times around the world but now an international folk dance troupe from Xiamen are giving schools across Wellington workshops in Chinese Folk Dance, celebrating Chinese New… Audio, Gallery
Total dedication - the life of young Chinese acrobats
They start learning acrobatics at the age of five and will have chalked up to 8000 hours practice by the age of 10. Showing absolute commitment to their craft, child acrobats of Zirka Circus are… Audio
Total dedication - the life of young Chinese acrobats
They begin acrobatics at the age of five and will have chalked up to 8000 hours practice by the age of ten. Child acrobats of Zirka Circus perform in Wellington City for Chinese New Year. Audio, Gallery
Chinese New Year - dancers, dragons and football!
Football kicks off the eve of Chinese New Year when Wellington Phoenix play against rivals Perth Glory with a spectacular collaborative performance of Chinese Dance and Dragons! Audio, Gallery
"Boat People" - a Vietnamese family remembers
More than three million people were killed during the Vietnam War. The Chung family arrived in Wellington as part of the first wave of former refugees, known then as 'the boat people' from Vietnam. Audio, Gallery
Sino-English a new global language
Not “Chinglish” anymore. Professor Jonathan Stalling has created Sino-English, a new alphabet for 350 million speakers with world-wide applications. Audio, Gallery
India's Living Treasure - Master puppeteer with global message
International Indian Puppeteer Mahipat Kavi and his touring theatre company use puppets to bring serious messages to life on social issues such as AIDS, family planning and the environment, they… Audio, Gallery
India's Living Treasure - Master puppeteer with global message
For 50 years he's travelled to the remotest areas of rural India, now he's gone global. An International Indian Puppeteer and his touring theatre company use simple handmade puppets to bring serious… Audio
Mudra Dance Creation
Adorned in nine-meter long saris and dripping with jewels a troupe of dancers from India perform saucy satire that dates back to 1560s. One of India's most beautiful dance traditions from the… Audio, Gallery
Dancing with the Stars - NZ Police and Diwali
For the first time the NZ Police and male leaders within the Indian community are teaming up with international performers during Diwali - the Hindu Festival of Lights - to push the White Ribbon… Audio, Gallery
China Revisited - a tribute to Jack Body
Outstanding New Zealand composer Jack Body passed away earlier this year, so a tribute concert is being performed by the new Zealand String Quartet with an upcoming tour to China to follow. Lynda… Audio, Gallery
Cultural diversity in childbirth
For babies born into the Islamic faith, azaan is the prayer whispered into baby's ears by the father just after birth. Lynda Chanwai-Earle is in Hawkes Bay following Rizwanna Latiff on the job, a… Audio, Gallery
Is learning Mandarin an economic necessity?
Will speaking Mandarin be a future economic necessity for New Zealanders? Do New Zealanders need to bridge the cultural and linguistic knowledge gap between China and New Zealand? Is there an economic… Audio, Gallery
Culture on a plate - Secret dining Vietnamese
Lynda Chanwai-Earle discovers that balance is quintessential to Vietnamese food and philosophy when she follows a Secret Dining Trail with the Wellington on a Plate Festival to learn where to find the… Audio, Gallery