Earthquake Strengthening
Life-saving legislation that got out of kilter
The government's hit pause on strict new building regulations over earthquake strengthening, and even its usual opponents are happy with the move Audio
Life-saving legislation that got out of kilter
The government's hit pause on strict new building regulations over earthquake strengthening, and even its usual opponents are happy with the move
AudioEarthquake strengthening with carbon fibre
World-leading New Zealand research hopes to provide a cheaper solution for earthquake strengthening in higher-risk buildings. Kathryn speaks with Dr Enrique del Rey Castillo, University of Auckland… Audio
$22.5m refurbishment of Rotorua performing arts centre set to start
Earthquake strengthening work is expected to start later this year on Rotorua's Sir Howard Morrison Performing Arts Centre.
Wellington quake-strengthening priorities revisited by council
The Wellington City Council is considering making changes to the number of structures it is classing as priority buildings for earthquake strengthening.
Recycled materials a must for quake-strengthened buildings - expert
Engineers are pushing the boundaries on building materials to find more sustainable ways to earthquake strengthen.
Unanimous backing for $100m spend on Wellington Town Hall
Wellington city councillors have voted unanimously to commit more than $100 million to fixing the city's town hall.
Death from above, lethal overhead quake threats escape scrutiny
Unrestrained heavy pipes, wires and air conditioning units in building ceilings that could be lethal in an earthquake are escaping proper scrutiny.
Nelson's cathedral needs millions for seismic strengthening
Nelson's Christ Church Cathedral needs millions of dollars worth of seismic strengthening. And tthe public might be asked to help raise the funds so the building can lift its earthquake rating and be… Audio
Majestic Centre earthquake strengthening complete
After nearly six years of work and more than $80m, Wellington's tallest building has been earthquake-strengthened up to 97 percent of code.
Earthquake survivor says Wgtn must cordon around unsafe sites
A woman crushed to within milimetres of her life in the Christchurch earthquake says it is murderously cavalier for Wellington's council not to cordon off weak or prone buildings. Video, Audio
Engineers needed in Wellington for quake strengthening work
Engineers may have to be brought in from outside Wellington, to complete Government-ordered strengthening work on building facades in the inner city and Lower Hutt. Video, Audio
Bob Bickerton
The Nelson School of Music's heritage auditorium is closed because of earthquake risk and about to undergo a major redevelopment which will transform the 121 year old building. Nelson musician and… Audio
Govt pledges $280m to rebuild schools
In just 60 days, the government has announced it will spend more than $280 million demolishing, strengthening and rebuilding schools.
Heritage church blessed with earthquake funding
A historic Wellington church has received the lion's share of council funding for earthquake strengthening.
Fifth major school rebuild announced
The government has announced its fifth multi-million-dollar school redevelopment in as many weeks - $39 million for Wellington East Girls' College.
Call for tax change on seismic strengthening falls on deaf ears
A lobby group demanding tax relief for earthquake strengthening work on buildings says it's being ignored by the Government. Audio
MPs consider big changes to quake-strengthening bill
New laws to ensure the thousands of earthquake-prone buildings around the country are made safe is before select committee. Audio