Essentials, including water, trucked into Gisborne
There are multiple hazards on State Highway 2, which remains closed to the public.
Cyclone Gabrielle: Wairoa still cut off after major flooding
Little is known about the plight of Wairoa and its residents as the town has been cut off, with only very intermittent communications to the outside world.
Our reporter, Kate Green, has just been in… Video, Audio
Napier mayor Kirsten Wise
Napier Mayor Kirsten Wise is in Napier, at the city's Emergency Operation Centre Audio
Rural Hawke's Bay residents scramble onto roofs to avoid flooding
"We're wet, it's raining," Pakowhai's Kevin McCormack says. "I've never seen anything like it." Audio
Cyclone Gabrielle: What the national state of emergency means
A National State of Emergency has been declared as Cyclone Gabrielle whips the North Island causing flooding, damage and evacuations in many places. But what does this mean?
Cyclone Gabrielle: Esk Valley residents rally for rescues
Residents of the Esk Valley in Hawke's Bay have been badly affected by flooding, with many forced from their homes. Kathryn speaks with Greg Miller, the chef at Linden Estate winery in Esk Valley, on… Audio
Cyclone Gabrielle: RNZ reporter Kate Green in Gisborne
We've heard stories of absolute devastation coming out of Tairawhiti this morning, and also once again - the anger and frustration over the mess caused by forestry slash. Gisborne, and many other part… Audio
Tolaga Bay farmer on Cyclone Gabrielle: 'It's total f****** carnage'
Three major flood events have impacted Bridget Parker's farm in the past year and she's at the end of her tether.(Contains strong language) One of Kathryn Ryan's favourite interviews of 2023. Audio
Cyclone Gabrielle: Evacuated residents following slip in
A volunteer firefighter remains trapped inside a collapsed house in the beach suburb and another is in a critical condition after being caught in a landslide. All residents in Motutara Road and Domain… Audio
Who's picking up the bill to fix the crumbling roads?
Roads up and down the country have taken a hammering after a summer of storms - who pays the repair bill? Audio
Auckland floods: What next if your home is stickered?
At least 276 Auckland homes have been red stickered due to flood damage, meaning they're currently not liveable.
Another 1590 homes or buildings have been yellow stickered - they're got extensive… Video, Audio
Cars clog Auckland roads again as schools start after floods
Auckland roads were gridlocked this morning as people dodged flooded and damaged roads to get to work and school.
Twenty roads remain closed, a dozen restaurants and at least one hotel are shut - and… Video, Audio
Auckland councillor wants infrastructure audit before more builds
There are calls for a royal inquiry into the rebuild of Auckland, and an immediate halt to any further plans for housing intensification under Labour and National's cross-party agreement.
Mayor Wayne… Video, Audio
How we need to adapt to big climate events
This is the short version of a complicated story about changing our lives in response to big climate events like the Auckland floods.
Aupito William Sio: MP for Mangere
Karyn talks to the Mangere MP Aupito William Sio Audio
Auckland floods: Welfare centre moved to bigger site to meet demand
Volunteers have been working around the clock in South Auckland to provide relief to people displaced by flood waters.
State of emergency to be extended in Auckland for another week
Auckland's state of emergency will be extended for seven days, mayor Wayne Brown has announced, although he also adds it may finish early. Audio
Auckland floods: Why were there so many slips?
As flood-weary Aucklanders continue their clean-up from this week's heavy rain, many are dealing with slips that are affecting their property. Hills and cliffs around any number of suburbs in the city… Audio
Can a sponge city really prevent flooding?
In the aftermath of Auckland's flooding, there's been plenty of talk about sponge cities - but what are they? Audio
Floods intensify Auckland's housing crisis
With so many uninhabitable homes across Tamaki Makaurau - the housing crisis in our biggest city has intensified. So far 175 of the city's flood damaged houses have been red stickered and 760 yellow… Audio