Record annual insurance payout for extreme weather claims
2021's extreme weather events have cost insurers and policy holders a record $304.9m so far this year. From May's flooding in Canterbury to a tornado in Auckland in June, flooding in July and August… Audio
Keeping an eye on river flow
Two stories on keeping an eye on river flow - helping fish to migrate back upstream, and development of a national river flow forecasting tool. Video, Audio
Our Changing World - Forecasting river flow
Justin Gregory speaks to one of the NIWA scientists working on development of a national river flow forecasting tool. Video, Audio
West Coast prepares for more rain as slips and flooding block SH6
West Coast Civil Defence has set up an emergency operations centre in Hokitika and will open another in Greymouth this evening.
No rest for the wicked at Lees Valley Station
The new farm manager at one of New Zealand's biggest sheep and beef properties in North Canterbury has hit the ground running. As well as getting up to speed with a holistic grazing system established… Video, Audio
Farms flooded in Canadian province
The Canadian Province of British Columbia has been inundated with floodwaters - 18,000 people have been stranded, roads, houses and bridges have been destroyed and farms are awash. Country Life speaks… Audio
A good day's work - fencing in out-of-the-way valley
Fencing contactor James Ewing has two years of work ahead of him at Lees Valley Station in North Canterbury. He was erecting a deer fence along the valley road when Cosmo Kentish-Barnes stopped for a… Audio
Two cars, gumboots and a headlamp - how a Blenheim midwife gets to work
Flooding in Marlborough in July destroyed the road that connected midwife Suzie Edmonds to the hospital where she works. But she's devised a clever solution while the road is repaired. She tells Jesse… Audio
Residents warn off lockdown flouters out viewing flood-damaged homes
'Sightseers' flouting lockdown rules have been visiting west Auckland to have a peek at nearly 80 homes significantly damaged by flooding last week.
Kumeū resident's property extensively damaged
Guy Wishart is a resident of Board Crescent in Kumeū and he's the Chair of the Kumeū Ratepayers Association. His freshly renovated home has suffered major damage in the deluge. Audio
Wild weather evacuations and damage in West Auckland
Hours of continuous heavy rain in Auckland has caused evacuations from flooded homes in the city's West, submerged cars and some roads are awash.The suburbs of Kumeū, Ranui and Henderson Valley have… Audio
Long road ahead in Buller clean-up after floods
It has been an emotional day for some West Coast residents, as it becomes clear hundreds of people will be forced into long-term accommodation, or will have to move altogether - after devastating… Video, Audio
Severe or total damage on 89 homes after Westport flooding
Almost 90 West Coast families are needing a new roof over their heads after flood waters raged through the region on the weekend.
A community hub has been set up so residents can get medical… Video, Audio
Insurance expert: Floods a wakeup call to two-thirds of Kiwis
An insurance expert says the weekend's flooding at Westport should be a warning to the two-thirds of New Zealanders who live on a flood plain. Melissa Heath is director of Residential Risk Analysis… Audio
Flood protection won't work in climate-changed environment
A climate change researcher says local and central government must stop allowing houses to be built in at-risk areas and we should no longer rely on flood protection infrastructure such as stopbanks… Audio
Canterbury farmer's only way out under threat
A farmer in the Canterbury high country still cleaning up after last month's flood is worried the bridge which connects them to the rest of the world could be washed away.
Picking up after the mid Canterbury Floods
Mid Canterbury farmer Rhys Roberts was badly hit in the floods last weekend. As CEO of Align Farms, he farms mostly dairy on two properties on the south side of the Ashburton River. The river was… Audio
Animal Evac NZ operating across Canterbury
The only dedicated animal disaster management charity Animal Evac NZ is in the Canterbury region ready to help safely move stock and other wildlife to safety. Operations commander, Mark Anderson… Audio
Update on flooding in mid-Cantebury
Mid-Canterbury Federated Farmers president David Clark talks to Jesse about the flooding and damage throughout the region. Audio
Evacuations in Waimakariri district
Dozens of residents are being evacuated at Pines Beach, just north of the Waimakariri River where flooding is threatening low lying homes and properties. Max Towle speaks to RNZ reporter Eleisha Foon… Audio